5: The Queen's Request

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"How's the progress going?" her royal highness asked, glancing at me while tapping her foot. It was as if she's expecting me to say that the progress was going great. It really wasn't. I have failed her, the queen.

We're currently at the royal library. It's been a day since I arrived here and throughout that day, the queen kept bombarding me with questions. It's really annoying.

I gulped and said, "Your highness, everything is going well. There's no need to worry." That was a lie. It was. I have to do this or else I would get my family in danger. The queen is a bitch. I seemed to have gotten used to the human world and the way of how people interact.

Well, she is a bitch. She's not technically a whore since she only f***ed the king but she only married the king because of power. What a power hungry crazy bitch. She deserves to die from the emerging unknown disease that has been killing everyone, one by one. Well, that's what they told me the minute that I came back here.

I just got back from the human world so I don't really have a slight knowledge of what's going on. The queen looked at me for a moment, in a deep thought. She's never going to find out that it was all a lie. She's too stupid.

"Since the progress is going well........let's start phase 2. It needs to be done before my son's birthday. I need to have it before someone else gets it," she said twirling her dark raven hair and looking at me, trying to intimidate me. Yeah. Yeah. I get it.

It's for your son, even though it's really for yourself. She thinks she's so smart. That ego of this queen. She's just like those stuck up drama queens in that stupid high school.

I can't believe that I was forced to go through that frustrating thing they called high school.
Stupid mathematics. Stupid annoying teachers. Stupid cafeteria food. I hate high school. I hate everybody in general.

"Yes, of course. I will do it right away," I replied, forcing a smile afterwards. She clapped her hands and smiled widely. "Good. Just remember to not get caught. One particular kingdom seemed to have found out about the stone and they're starting to look for it," she said.

What? Whose kingdom? The only ones who knew about this are the fairies, witches and the merpeople. "Your highness. May I ask what particular kingdom is it?" I asked her.

She looked at me, irritated. It seemed like she doesn't want to talk about it. What could have happened over the past few months that I've been gone? Is there something that I do not know about?

"Aren't I beautiful, peasant? I know I am." She combed her long fiery red hair while talking to me. She didn't looked in my direction. It was like she's too preoccupied with herself.

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