30: Igniting Flames

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After he had helped me with my...problem, he started ignoring me again. He sat near the fireplace in deep thought. I wonder why he acts the way he does. He seemed like a nice guy but he's quite mean and arrogant. I can't even tell if he's joking around or plain serious about all the boastful things he said.

I walked towards the bed to sleep but I was stopped when he called out my name. "Leyla? I'm going to sleep on the bed." First time he called me by my name. But I don't want to sleep on the floor. "But I'm going to sleep on the bed!",I protested. He glanced at me and shook his head.  "No."

"I'm not going to share the bed with anybody," Evan said before he stood up and pulled me away from the bed and onto the floor. I fell onto my bottom, furious. "What is wrong with you?",I exclaimed. He shrugged and said, "Everything." His expression showed that he didn't care. It was as if he didn't give a damn about anybody other than himself.

He sat on the bed and said, "I barely know you so therefore, I cannot trust you." I should be the one saying that. You were the one who kept dragging me along with you. I sat on the floor, glaring at him. He avoided my gaze and laid down the bed, pulling the covers over him. Fine. You can sleep on the bed but don't expect me to stay here.

I stood up and walked out of the cabin, slamming the door shut. I wanted him to know that I left. I don't care if he dies or whatever. I glanced up at the night sky. The moon was the only thing that illuminated the dark night. The chirping of the crickets was the only sound that I can hear. I stood there like an idiot, not knowing what to do. Where am I going to sleep then?


I laid down the bed with my eyes closed, trying to fall asleep. I heard footsteps coming towards the door. The loud slam on the door startled me. She left. It seems like she's willing to die out there rather than sleep on the floor. What a drama queen. I waited for a couple of minutes for her to come back in the cabin but she never came. Did something happen?

I sat up and waited for ten minutes before finally deciding to look for that idiot. I got off of the bed and walked towards the door, thinking about the worst possible scenarios that might happen. I opened the door and immediately scanned my surroundings. Then, I saw her. She was sitting with her back leaning against a tree. Her knees were against her chest.

I groaned in frustration and started walking towards her. If she sleeps here, she'll get eaten by a bear or something. If that happens, I'll no longer have my key to go back home. As soon as I was in front of her, I heard her murmur something. I can't clearly understand what she said but it was nothing of importance.

I stood in front of here, not knowing what to do. Should I wake her up? Ugh. I frowned as an idea came into my head. Maybe if I did that, she wouldn't leave. I can't believe I'm doing this. I started shaking her arms to wake her up but she didn't budge. "Tsk. Wake up!" She remained asleep despite how many times I yelled at her. "Wake up! Hey!"

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