44: Parting Ways

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"Kill the queen? You are being serious, right?" Rey said as he looked at the vampire prince in disbelief. The vampire nodded and said, "Yes, I am." What the hell is happening? I looked towards Evan for an explanation but he was busy staring at the hole in the center of the throne room. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What's with that?" Evan decided to ask as he points towards what he was staring at. The vampire's attention went towards him, causing Rey to look at the hole. "Somebody's down there. Screaming for help," the vampire prince answered. His companions stared at him as if he has lot his mind.

One vampire suddenly asked, "Your highness? Nobody's screaming nor calling for help." The prince glared and shook his head before saying, "No! Somebody is down there! I know what I'm hearing! Can't you all hear it?" He looked like an absolute lunatic as he talked to his companions and tried to convince them.

Muerte seemed preoccupied staring outside as if he was waiting for something. I approached him and asked, "Muerte? You seemed to be waiting for something." He looked at me and shook his head before saying, "Someone. I'm waiting for someone." Huh? I was dumbfounded. Who?

"Is it your twin?" I said as he shook his head again proving that I was incorrect. "The rain has stopped. Somebody has taken over the mers. It seems like the war isn't over. I wonder why." I nodded my head, trying to understand what the hell was going on.

"I can sense her nearby," he added as he glanced at the hole with slight suspicion. Why do I feel like the vampire is right? Maybe he's out of his mind but it's possible. This realm is unusual and unpredictable for me. It's confusing. Sometimes I even wonder if all of this nonsense is just a dream. Am I in a coma then to be imagining things?

"Why don't we introduce ourselves?" the vampire prince suggested, trying to change the topic of him being crazy. We each other in hesitation. Can we even trust them? Evan seemed preoccupied staring at the throne, as if remembering something. He then said, "My father is really dead, isn't he?"

Muerte suddenly looked at him and said, "Yes. We told you already." Silence came afterwards. It was awkward to be talking about a deceased person who used to live in this castle. I felt shivers running down my spine as a wind blew behind me. For some reason, I felt frightened. It was like somebody was behind me. I can feel a breathe breathing at my back. I froze in fear, not knowing what to do.

I glanced at Evan and then to Muerte who didn't seem to act the way I was acting. Can't they feel it? They were busy introducing themselves to the others. I was left out feeling scared of what's around me. I trembled in fear as I heard an unfamiliar voice whisper into my ear. "I didn't kill myself. Marian did."

I didn't notice that it was now my turn to introduce myself. Everybody was staring at me, waiting for me to speak. I was busy trembling in fear. Evan looked at me worryingly, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Are you alright? You seem pale," he said while waving his hands in front of my face to get my attention. I hesitantly nodded my head and whispered, "What do you think?"

He gave me a concern look before saying, "It's like you've seen a ghost. I'm serious. You look like way out of your usual self." Everybody's attention was towards the topic. Concern and confusion were written on their faces. Only one of them bared a look that resembled mine. The vampire prince's faces was as pale as white, paler than his usual already pale skin.

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