Are you even listening??

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(picture of Antonio to the side)

Who was I with? Clara? Clarissa? Carla? Whoever she was, all she seemed to be doing was talking. And talking. And talking. 

Jesus Christ. 

“Antonio? Yoohoo? Are you even listening?” I blinked as she snapped her pink fingernails in front of my face.

“Sorry.” I muttered. She gave me a grin and flipped her long black hair.

“It’s totally ok.....” She kept talking but I zoned out....again. Glancing behind her, I saw Anna, laughing at something her friend said. He started tickling her, and my hands clenched at my sides. It made me sick, the thought of a guy touching her that wasn’t me. She flipped her light brown hair out of her face, her gorgeous eyes sparkling.

Man, I sound gay.

I had been staring at her for a good five minutes before she caught my eye. All she gave me was a hard glare and then turned back to her friend. My stomach twisted and I was beginning to get angry. Even with the little tennis ball stunt she played, I found her sassiness to be a HUGE turn on.

“You gonna give her up already?” I jumped as Coby whispered into my ear, then snorted, giving him a smirk.

“Nope. I haven’t even started.”

“Ok, I’ll make you a bet. If you get her to date you during this year, then I’ll give you a hundred bucks. But if another guy asks her out before you, you give me a hundred. Deal?” I thought about it. No girl had ever refused me, even the nerds, who were just harder to get.

“Deal.” We shook on it. I turned back to Anna, and this time when she looked at me, I winked. She rolled her eyes at someone behind me.

“Hey babe!” Suddenly, someone with a strong perfume was clinging onto my arm. 

“Uh, who are you?” I asked, wrenching my arm out of her grasp. She pouted.

“I’m Fiona. We got to know each other at Jake’s party last weekend.” I shuttered, remembering. Yeah, she was NOT a good kisser.

School had just ended, and I was hanging out with a few of my friends near the bleachers. I know what you might be thinking, so I’ll tell you. No, we were not drinking or smoking. We’re not stupid. 

“So who’s the next girl you’re going for?” Jason asked. Tom shrugged.

“Kelly’s got a nice body.” Gordon snorted.

“Don’t do it with her.”

“Why not?”

“Well, if spit’s your thing, then be my guest.” The four of us laughed. Tom then shoved my twin brother in the shoulder.

“So Coby, which lady’s got your eye?” Coby sent me a smirk and crossed his arms.

“Annabelle Dawson.” 

“Oh, you’re going for a hard girl, man. Every guy, and I mean every guy likes her, but she just isn’t interested.”

“I think she’s gonna be interested in me.” My hands clenched into fists, but the boys didn’t notice except for my brother. I walked out to get away from them, but all they did was follow me. Something stopped me in my tracks, and Jason bumped me from behind.

“Dude, what the hell?” I shushed him and pointed at the field. There, in the middle of the grass, was Anna, her knuckles covered in tape. She was punching a punching bad. Her body was only covered by a black sports bra and shorts. Some brown strands fell out of her ponytail, but she was sweaty, every punch that she threw showed off her gorgeous body.

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