I love you

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Danny's P.O.V. (I think i'm going crazy....here goes)

I heard her crying. It was hard to listen and not run over and do anything, but I knew she would be scared of me. I'd hurt her more than I would like to admit. She shook with sobs as I watched her from behind the shadows. After a while though, I saw her get up and walk towards her car. As her back was towards me, I watched as she clicked on her phone and started talking to someone, though I couldn't hear what she was saying. As soon as she put it back in her pocket, my little sister glanced around and began walking down a street that I didn't recognize to be my grandparents, which was the place Henry had told me she was staying. Taking care to walk in the shadows, I followed Anna down a long winding street, which lead to a house that was brightly lit. A girl about he same age as her opened the door and welcomed her in with a smile on her face. I looked into the darkness. I should be the one welcoming her home, she was my baby sister. 

"Henry?" I said into the phone as I leaned against a tree. He clicked on his phone and finally answered,


"Why didn't you tell me Anna was staying with a friend?" I heard his voice, which sounded pretty upset.

"Because I didn't know. She and I got into an argument today."

"You talked to her?"

"Of course." My felt my heart squeeze with jealousy. It wasn't fair that I had screwed up and totally ruined my chances of ever being a big brother to her again. Ok, so myabe I had a pretty bad drinking problem. But, I was willing to start rehab if Anna came back. 

"What happened?" I heard my brother sigh. 

"She told me that she knew Gran and Gramps never wanted her in the first place and-" I snorted.

"Well isn't that pretty obvious?"

"Shut up, I'm not done."

"Sorry." I laughed to myself. Even after years of seperation and only contact by phone, Henry and I still argued like brothers should.

"Anyway, the main point of the conversation was that she was keeping a secret from me. Danny, she's thinking of moving to fucking California!" My heart stopped.

"She what?" I tried hard not to yell beause I was right outside Anna's friend's house, but it took a lot of effort.


"She said that she had bad blood here and needed to get away. Only for a few months but still." I thought hard and slumped against a tree.

"Where's she gonna get the money to fly over there?" Henry sniffed and I could tell he was having a hard time not crying.

"Mom's friend's helping her." It was too much for me.

"I have to go." 

"Wait!" I paused as Henry spoke again.

"Jamie wants to say goodnight, is that ok?" I smiled to myself, wanting to hear my youngest brother's voice again.

"Yeah, sure." I could hear the phone being passed around and suddenly, a young boy could be heard though the phone.


"Hey bud."

"What's wrong with Anna? She's not here." I swallowed, positive that I had eaten a fly.

"Yeah bud, she's staying at a friend's tonight. I'll explain everything tomorrow. Right now, you just get to sleep ok?"

"I get to see you tomorrow?" His voice was full of excitment, and I closed my eyes, missing everyone. My parents, my brothers, but most of all my sister. I really had screwed everything up by turning to alcohol. It was so hard, coping with my parent's death, I needed something that would make everything dissapear. And you know what? I completley regret it. 

"Yeah you do bud. Hopefully. You should get to sleep thought."

"Ok. Goodnight Danny."

"Night bud." unconciously, I added three words.

"I love you." There was a pause and then Jamie's voice said,

"I love you too."

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