The nerve of him

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" You're in my mind

The echo of your voice

I'm in your tide

Don't think I've got a choice...."  I put down my guitar, almost throwing it across the room in anger. I screwed up. Again. World's best boyfriend right here folks......

Note the sarcasm.

It wasn't fair to Anna. She deserved someone better than me. Honestly, I thought both of us were being a little childish, but I hadn't forgotten the bet I'd made with Coby.

Slowly, I headed to school, with my brother and our friends in the back of my car. They were joking around, but I was quiet, thinking about ways I could make it up to Anna. We pulled up into my usual parking spot and all hopped out. Walking together in a blob, we entered the door and I automatically looked over at Anna's locker. I saw a group of jocks waiting there and her eyes sparkled as she laugehd along with them. The bell rang and she wove her arm through one of their's and headed off to class. I walked behind them and when they stopped at the science lab and dropped her off, I waited a few seonds before coming in. She was talking to a girl a year older than her, but when she saw me, she averted her eyes. Slipping into the desk next to her, i waited until the teacher came in. After a few seconds of listening to the lecture, I turned my eyes back to her. 

"Anna." I whispered fiercly and I knew she heard me, but chose to ignore it. I tried again. 

"Anna." This time she acknowledged me by glaring. I tried a third time.

"Anna." She slowly raised her hand and Mr.Fisher called on her. 

"May I please use the bathroom?" he nodded and she gathered her books together, taking care to hit me on the head. Not even bothering to ask, I followed her out.

"Anna, " she kept walking and I ran to catch up with her, stepping in front of her, blocking her path. 

"Whoa. Anna, wait up." She sighed then stared at me, crossing her arms.

"What Antonio?" I swallowed and prepared for my apology. This was literally the hardest thing I've done in a while.....

"I'm sorry for being a dick. I shouldn't have said those thigns to you about your body, I shouldn't have told the guys I didn't like you when I actually do, but most of all I shouldn't have betrayed your trust. I really mean it. I'm so sorry." She just gave me an expressionless glare. In the middle of our awkward moment, the bell rang and everyone stared spilling out of different classrooms on the way to their lockers. A girl ran up to her.

"C'mon! You promised to eat with us!" She turned and grinned at the girl. 

"I know Clara. Do you mind if some of my friends come too?" I began to get hopeful. Maybe she wanted to forgive me after all. 

"Oh sure! Who?"

"Charlie and his friends, Tom, Gordon, the three of you and Jason." with that,  Anna and Clara walked away from me, leaving me back on square one, winning Anna over. 

The lunchroom was hectic but I found my friends easily. Well, mysort of friends...currently none of them were talking to me. As we waiting in the line, I tried making some pleasent conversation, but everything was ignored. Suddenly, Tom turned to Jason.

"She's here." he looked around, searching for someone. I looked around too and my eyes landed on Anna. She was grinning at Jason and began walking over, with everyon in tow. When she arrived at Jason's spot, he wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her face in his shirt. After a few moments, he gave Tom a thumbs up and started walkign with her to the center of the lunchroom. Clamoboring up onto one of the tables, he yelled "YO!" and got everyone's attention. Anna was looking extremley confused, and so was I, not understanding what was going on. Jason began to speak.

"Guys, this year, I met a gorgeous girl." oh hell no. He didn't just call my girl gorgeous. "She is funny, smart, attractive, sweet, kind, caring and completley selfless. Everything she does is meant for other people, anyone but herself. 

But, I want that to change. So, I contacted a few of her friends and they helped me do this for her." He pointed to a blank wall on the side of the lunchroom and everyone looked there. Suddenly, a movie was projected on the screen. It started playing, and I saw faces of every one of Anna's friends appear, telling her how much they loved her. Glancing at Jason again, I saw Anna's hands covering her mouth and jealousy panged in my stomach. I should be the one making her cry with happiness. I should be the one who makes her happy as a whole. The video came to an end and ervyone clapped but Jason held up his hand. 

"But it's not just me who wanted to make her see how special she is." The doors to the cafetiria opened and everyones heads swung to the right. In walked Charlie, with his beach blonde hair shining in the light. Way too oily in my least mine is NATURAL. Slowly, he walked over to Anna and took her hands. 

"Anna. I want to publicly ask you to be my girlfriend." Her eyes opened wide, and my stomach pounded with anger. She better say no, I thought, she wouldn't do that to me. But I guess I was wrong.

Without a second thought, she smiled through her tears and said happily,

"Of course." Then, THEN, he had the nerve to kiss her on the cheek. And worst of all, the CROWD, seeing through his lying personality, CLAPPED! THEY FREAKIN CLAPPED!


d_infinity15 here with you guys..........

Just wanted to tell you I changed her bf from being Jason to Charlie. Felt much omre practical....




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