Cloud 9

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I was on cloud nine. Literally flying. Everything that Jason said made me realize how many caring people surround me.  I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Charlie's strong hold cover my arms, and I immediately responded, snaking my arms around his neck. As if I was really flying, I felt my feet lift off the ground as Charlie picked me up and spun me, gently setting me back on the floor. Grinning, I stared up at him and he smiled, making everyone around us 'awwww'. I hid my face in Charlie's shoulder, an embarrassed blush turning my face red. All of our friends laughed, and I could feel his chest vibrating. Slowly, I pulled my cheeks from his shirt and sighed, smiling bigger than I've had in years. Together, we walked towards our table, Charlie sliding his hand gently through mine, everyone's eyes following us, some filled with jealousy, others filled with knowing and happiness. As we sat down, Clara and Syd both giggled and screamed, basically jumping over the table to incase me in a hug. I let them hold me for a while, but soon Charlie cleared his throat and they let go, smiling guiltily. 

"I kind of want to spend time with my girlfriend, ladies, if you don't mind." Charlie grinned and pulled me onto his lap. I could feel my face flushing as wolf whistles and claps were sounded from our friends. Trying to act as natural as I could with the bright red that made my cheeks look like a tomato, I leaned back into Charlie as the conversation slowly returned to normal. His arms wrapped around my waist and his shirt was thin enough that I could feel his muscular stomach. After a few minutes of listening to my friends begin to tell each other about their problems with teachers, I felt a warm breath tickle my ear.

“You happy?” I smiled at Charlie’s question. Of course he would be more concerned for my happiness that his own. Tilting my head upward so I could make I contact, I grinned. 

“Couldn’t be happier.” He chuckled and kiss my forehead, as I turned back around to face the rest of the table. My phone began vibrating in my pocket. 

I know what you all are thinking. My family is screwed up, I don’t have parents, I barely have a place to sleep at night, how the HECK can I afford a phone? Well I payed for this all by myself, and I continue to pay for it. I felt safer with a phone, you know, if I had to call 911 or something. 

I jumped and pulled out the device. Glancing down at the screen, I saw a number that I didn’t recognize. Smiling apologetically at Charlie, I answered it. 


“Anna?” I listened to the voice and then it clicked. 

“Why are you calling me?” My heart was pounding, and I slowly rose from Charlie’s lap.

“I’ve missed you these past few nights sis.” 

“How the hell did you get my number?” 

“Annabelle, I’ve always had your number.” That made shivers run up and down my arms. I swallowed and said to my friends who were staring at me,

“I need to take this.” Then I walked from the lunchroom, outside. Danny’s voice echoed into my ear. 

“Look, I heard that you were planning on going to LA and-”

“Where did you hear that from?” He sighed impatiently.

“I have sources.” I thought back to the people I had told. The only one was Henry. 

“You and Henry are communicating?”

“Is that such a crime? He is my little brother after all.” I shook my head, gripping the phone tightly.

“Great big brother you’ve been. Drinking, drugs, abuse….a terrific role model for the kid.” Danny snorted.

“You haven’t been the best big sister either now have you? Always running from situations...never calling him….always assuming Gran and Gramps hated you.” 

“DON’T blame this on me Danny. They wouldn’t take me in because of YOU! Because of what you became! They thought I would turn out to be the same.” 

“Everyone has their ways of coping baby girl.”

“Don’t call me baby girl.”

“I’ll call you whatever I want. You are my sister after all.”

“Why the hell are you calling me.”

“You can’t go to LA.”

“Who says I care about what you have to say? What kind of big brother are you Danny? You physically ABUSED me! I had to learn how to box just to make sure I didn’t die. You made me put up walls that are nearly impossible for anyone to break down. What makes you think that you can go and tell me what to do?” Danny sighed and his voice got quiet over the phone, so quiet, I could barely hear him. 

“I know, and I’m really sorry. Alcohol was my way of coping with Mom and Dad’s death okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you. Can you just stay? I promise to try and stop drinking.” I could hear the desperation in my older brother’s tone, and I almost said I would stay. Almost. But then I remembered the burn of the slaps, the bruises on my eyes, the soreness of my stomach after he had kicked it, and suddenly, I couldn’t bring myself to say yes. 

“No Danny. This place….this town….it’s too much for me right now. But, I’ll make you a deal. I’m leaving for one year, which means during that time, you’ve gotta get your act together. You need to stop the drinking and drugs, and if you need to go to therapy or something. Find an outlet for your anger. Get a job, or a girlfriend. Start your life over. And in one year, if you can manage that, then I’ll consider forgiving you.” There was a pause on the other end before Danny muttered sadly,

“Deal.” Then after another pause. “Can I go to the airport to say goodbye though? Please?” I thought about it. 


“I love you Anna.” I couldn’t say those words back. Not yet.

“Bye Danny.” I didn’t wait, I just pressed the end button. Sighing, I slid down the wall and put my head in my knees. All the stress, all the worry, was wearing me out. I needed to hit someone. I needed to let everything out. Standing up, I walked back into the school building, avoiding the lunchroom all together, and headed towards the nurse. I told her I wasn’t feeling too well and she let me go home, probably because I looked sick, with the bags under my eyes and the paleness of my skin. Before I drove away, I sent a quick text to Charlie saying:

Hey, wasn’t feeling too well. I’m heading home. <3 

He responded almost instantly:

R u ok?!

Smiling, I quickly texted back:

Yeah, don’t worry. I’m fine. 

He replied:

Ok. I’ll call u later- bye princess <3

I drove into the old gym that I trained in. The bag was hanging down and I quickly unpacked my gloves. After staring at them, I just decided to wrap my hands, instead of wearing the actual padding. Stupid, I know, but I think I wanted to feel a little pain, just to make sure I was still feeling something. Turning on my favorite song, I began my workout. 

Hit me with your best shot

Why don’t you hit me with your best shot

Hit me with your best shot

Fire away

The words echoed along the room, and I listened, hoping that every word made me stronger.

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