Saturday, 29th May 1993

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Sunny and crowding day at the 'Gelateria del Borgo', no to jeans and closed shoes, yes to top & shorts. Many tourists in the narrow streets of the old city centre, dense boat traffic also on the lake. As roof a clean sky, open curtain for the show of a sun finally parading a summery mood.

A weekend also full of encounters, some unexpected others less.

When I got on Friday twilight Eva was already parked at her usual place; then, as soon as I unlocked the door, Batman came out welcoming me, all purring and meows. It was nice to arrive knowing someone was already waiting for me.

That same morning started with other novelties. The alarm clock as always gave me an early good morning; I woke up and I fast prepared my breakfast, then I went to the terrace to supervise the trainings. The blanket and the long sleeve pyjamas were just bothering me, then I put them aside; I sat on the lounge chair with my tea in the hands when the lonely rower made his appearance in the incoming landscape. He was earlier than usual, with the omen of such a beautiful day it couldn't be otherwise.

As he approached my residence, he slowed down the take-off and stopped, until raising the arm, greeting me. At first I got amazed, even dubious; I jerked over and over again, to be sure he was really saying hello to me, to haven't dreamt too much while he was looking for someone else. After those short clumsy inquiries I took courage and I timidly exchanged; from so far I couldn't study his expression but I imagined him free of dark thoughts, not only at that moment but also during the rest of the crossing.

In the afternoon other surprises. mum and Sandro came at the ice-cream shop, incredible. The rising temperatures were well working also on her ice, I hope forever. She looked even younger next to Sandro, she could be surely exchanged for my older sister, moreover a sister difficult not to notice. Even her companion was pleased, he deserved as much as her. He moved his gaze between Lucia and me, perhaps wondering if one day we could really call a family. I smiled at him several times, I wanted to be clear for the umpteenth time that my answer was yes, absolutely yes; he just had to convince that pretty big head sitting at his side.

A Capricorn never relaxing however, who in a distraction moment of his companion took the opportunity to comment low voice my outfit judged too skimpy, especially those jeans shorts she hated so much, at least as much as the nation inventing them. I had to beg her to leave them without the hem, but as usual uselessly; the first time she saw them in my bedroom she didn't resist the temptation to finish them as if they were high tailoring trousers, not just at the bottom, but also adding a pretty frontal fold with her inseparable iron. And whatever my following disdain at the sight of that fashion outrage went completely unheard.

I tried an useless defence even that day: I told her everyone dressed more or less in the same way nearby, moreover no one gave to it too much importance, but Lucia didn't give up. Sandro noticed the serious fashion lesson in progress and he looked at us amused, it was the only reason why mum decided to stop.

I quickly went over too, only because I imagined they came there to monitor my stomach ache.

I offered to both of them one of my frozen masterpieces, served at one of the outdoor tables of the bar; it was after three, the rush was still doing tourism or the afternoon nap, it would have remembered of my fantastic cones only later.

As soon as Angelo saw Sandro he joined us. My weekend boss addressed several looks too long to mum; it bothered me, who knows what his partner thought about that. However he didn't seem annoyed, I took note on my brain to discuss face to face of the topic with him in a near future.

I wished my parents spent all the weekend with me, at home there was enough space for all. I insisted a lot but in vain; Sandro had to go back to supervise an evening event and let mum with me was out of the question. To let him win, especially on the second part, wasn't so difficult. They left me after half an hour, I spied them until the end of the avenue and also once turned the corner; he was holding her hand, she let him doing. Could there be something better?

Yes. The other surprise came in the late afternoon, Sam with Astrid. They arrived at the ice-cream shop as one of those young couples occasionally coming out of the Serbelloni Hotel; relaxed, beautiful and cool dressed, in short to admire, especially him. My new colleagues and friends chose very curious looks, then offered themselves to cover my absence for another unplanned break but only in exchange of succulent gossip after.

I avoided sappy effusions, thinking that for different reasons it could bother both of them; emotionally however I showed them all my enthusiasm, a bit like Batman on my arrival the day before. Sam was happy, he liked being pleased and flattered, by the time I learnt at least that lesson; moreover the soccer funeral was over and all his thoughts projected on the incoming weekend.

Even his outfit: khaki bermuda and white linen shirt, properly unbuttoned, long sleeves rolled up, sunglasses to keep more suspense on the rest of the young splendid showman for sure he was. When he pulled them on the disordered hair, putting at the same time his dimples in action, my already weakened self-control suffered another heavy backlash.

Astrid wasn't healthy, as he explained to me the day before, the real reason they came there to see me, a plan agreed between us in the attempt to make her feel better. I thought a lot driving to the lake the previous evening; once again I behaved in a superficial and hypercritical way and she, without saying nothing, had already given me another memorable style lesson.

She was always the same, sunny and kind, but her face was tired, even bleached; unlike Sam she didn't sunbath, yet they had spent all the time together. He was careful about every her move and by gestures and words she seemed to want to free him from that veiled apprehension.

I asked her some friendly questions, the university, holidays projects and other deliberately light topics. She showed me all her attention but her usual spontaneity was blocked. I offered to both of them the promised ice-cream, Astrid didn't eat not half; I asked her if she liked something else but she shyly refused.

Sam looked for me again, in his eyes I recognized gratitude but also something similar to sadness; it wasn't the right moment to insist, by the time I'd have invented a most effective strategy to fight the enemy.

Astrid explained to me that later they'd have taken the hydrofoil to reach the other shore, where they'd have spent the weekend in her villa at Tremezzo. Certainly she didn't do it on purpose, but despite all the misadventures in progress it was a real blow on my chest.

It was time to greet them; I had to go back to work, moreover I guessed they were eager for conjugal privacy, like Lucia and Sandro. I reached again the ice-cream shop, in the meantime they stayed for a few minutes more at the same table where my other guests sat before. Between a cone and a bowl I kept an eye on them; she immediately put on the sunglasses, then she dressed a sweater over the sleeveless seawater dress.

I wasn't the only one to look at them. Angelo was pleased to exhibit such a sophisticated business card out of his cafeteria, he also came to tell it to me. I reassured him it didn't happen accidentally, that I hoped too they came again many other times.

That afternoon I vainly waited for another encounter, a baby accompanied by his lunatic dad, maybe even by his mum and grandparents. I wished it for him but also for me; I felt the need to rest a few minutes in his comforting night.

Unfortunately at least on that point I couldn't see my desire satisfied.

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