Friday, 2nd July 1993

6 3 0

"Where are you going?!"

"Out for lunch."

"With all this work to do, how can you be hungry?!"

Did it mean we couldn't do it?

I tried to seize the rose without stinging myself with thorns, as per Miguel's invitation.

"Would you like to come with us? Taking a break helps."

"No! I can't do it!"

The more I was there, the more I re-evaluated Lucia's well meditated silences.

"Do you want us to get you something to eat then?"


Even in front of the umpteenth pampered request I didn't discourage, in the end I was an experienced maid.

"A sandwich, an ice-cream, whatever you prefer."

She thought about it for a long time, careless of the fact that I, Lilly, and Romina were still standing for her, equally needy for calories and break. Suddenly Fosca came appeared in the company of the top management.

"Ombretta, I and Miguel are going out for lunch. Would you like to join us?"

"Of course, I'll be right away."

The newcomer jumped on like a cricket, she took her haute couture jacket, and enthusiastic reached the company's elite, while the only man of the group didn't stop putting together comical thoughts on his own. Ombretta returned us just a disliking glance, we interpreted it as a definitive closure of lunch orders. However better than the fate waiting the organizer, we all owed him a favour.


"Ju, come here!"


"We're taking something then we've to get back right away, otherwise if Ombretta comes back and she doesn't find us working she goes crazy."

"What's the difference between eating here or there? And they went to the restaurant, Miguel asked me to book before going out. Before three you won't see them again."


In the end we accepted to reach them at the table.

"She's a real piece of work, eh Ju?!" Elio laughed at me.

"A nice bone, all to suck!" Gino commented.

Lilly stubbornly proposed again her starting theory:

"We won't arrive at the next month with that...woman."

Romina for solidarity was immediately behind her:

"Eleonora told me when they worked together sometimes she had some hysterical crisis and slammed doors and closets. Even folders have flown to the ground several times. She also saw her whining more than once."

"But Eleonora's words..." Elio pointed out.

"I know, but I think it's true. She also told me Fosca had the same vices and their old boss, a great friend of Fosca's companion, every time she did it, cuddled her until her fake nose didn't drip anymore. When she did the same scene with Miguel the first time, he told her to go home and never try again."

"Great Miguel" Elio intervened again.

"You're the same level, now you should be having dinner with them" I provoked him.

"I'd prefer to go on a diet" he firmly sentenced; then he found consolation inside political nostalgia:

"My place will always be among the proletariat sweating, never hidden behind the bourgeoisie relaxing!"

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