-2. Shocking beauty

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Finally something can be explained.

If not all however something important.

And to understand more it's necessary once again to dive with eyes closed in the arms of the chaos.

Science, carrying out investigations better than anyone else, explains that the last stage of a red supergiant, exactly like all the others, mainly depends on her mass. In the case of a smaller star in trouble, after having crossed an instability phase and expelled her outer layers which will form a new planetary nebula, that is, cosmic fertilizer, her nucleus becomes a white dwarf.

Indeed if supergiant's mass is nobler she'll explode by generating a nova.

There's also a third chance, more remote but not to be underestimated; the supergiant really super evolve by generating a supernova.

The supernova is the most majestic celestial show the universe has ever admired after the Big Bang, Murphy's favourite daughter, shocking beauty breaking any expectation or scheme, even the most daring ones. Charm aside, also a useful shuffle of cosmos cards.

But how is it possible to get such a result? And where such a wonder can be found?

A supernova, before reaching this state, goes through some phases clearly defined by astrophysics, so that she can be classified into predefined types. Some of these evolutionary paths have resulted after meticulous observation more frequent than others; as consequence it's better to give at least a look at the most acclaimed genesis hypothesis, as it could conceal interesting suggestions also for a tiny human existence.

First peculiarity of the process of generation of a supernova is that a single star isn't enough for triggering the explosion, even if gigantic and almost purple-violet; to get the purpose is necessary the presence of a partner sharing her same inner dilemmas. A supernova is the result of a team working, even better, of a couple game, moreover completely out of traditional roles. Indeed according to the rules of probability calculations, not familiar with the concepts of opinion and fantasy, it's difficult or even impossible to generate dazzling novelty starting from the obsequious respect of customs; what is really indispensable to produce a result 'novo', indeed, 'supernovo', is to unleash the mess, to uncover the undiscovered, even considering all the difficulties arising from the daily confrontation with prejudice and habits.

Only this? The most massive star, perhaps the oldest, that is, the most expert, evolves first, becoming a red giant. This implies that the two stars, young and old, share the same gas envelope, with consequent decay of the orbital. Cancelled the barriers and shortened the distances, compatibility tests begin; approaching, even if prudent, carries with itself risks and possible failures. The process is long, hot and tiring, exactly like that sultry summer.

Something goes wrong. Perhaps memories of past failed bonds muddy the waters too much; so it happens that the red giant can't accumulate enough mass to try to conquer the universe and, losing confidence in his capabilities, stops his evolutionary path. The red giant begins expelling most of his superficial layers, so leaving his core uncovered, then starting the transformation into a white dwarf.

The other star, the younger, attracted by the partner's behaviour, also feeling pity for his early sad surrender, tries to walk the same way, evolving into a red giant too.

At that point the scene becomes really apocalyptic.

Supergiant her, tiny him.

But let's not be fooled by appearances, size and power, mass and energy, are all and nothing where there's no real domain of themselves.

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