Wednesday, 24th November 1993

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"In my office, now."

9.15 a.m., I had just finished checking the e-mails accumulated during the previous days, activity requiring almost two hours of that early morning. Nothing dramatic happened, I was already a clever absentee boss.

Miguel, after suddenly appearing on my desk, vanished towards Marco's one; once recovered block-notes and pen they were already back.

Miguel looked like a fury. He threw himself into the robust armchair mumbling, the short coffee with sweetener already ready on the table. As he mixed and swallowed he reviewed in his mind, wrinkled forehead, what he was about to tell us shortly after; he didn't need to consult papers or files to remember his priorities, he archived all his remarkable thoughts between a brain and a belly equally spacious.

"Let's start with Giulia. How is it, my dear?"

"I threw the devil in hell, better. Thank you for asking Miguel."

"Back pain? Stomach ache?"



"A young disaster but not so decrepit, I'm fine."

"And the rest?"

A poem suggested me the answer:

"Somehow it will be done."

"Good girl, I like it. Let's come back to us: these days here alone I got bored so I decided to review some things on my own."

Exactly what I suggested him not to do, several times.

"Tomorrow we're going to Dublin Giulia, let's go there to kick some asses. Did they exchange me for a credit card, by chance?!"

A trip abroad would have oxygenated me, innocuous distances included, only regret the day after would have been also our month anniversary; for sure Marco wasn't happy for that sudden departure, even if he'd have never told me.

"What's the subject of the trip?"

"Money, nothing new! You must help me to better understand some figures today, I want to be ready for a fire discussion."

That evening I'd have been very late, Miguel too; even that perspective wasn't so terrible, tiring normality keeping away bad thoughts. The idea to see mum in the evening unfortunately shaded too, not so bad, I'd have tried again the following day.

Miguel continued with his show:

"I told them you'd have come with me, so they organized also a couple of meetings concerning the new software. They adore you, like the marketing European boss with Consonni, the only difference is that finance staff is all ugly and unpleasant like me. But since they appreciate you so much, I have no intention to leave you to them doing their own job! First you'll come with me to discuss about money, maybe thanks to your nice presence I'll also gain something more, then, if there'll be still time, you'll join other meetings. I explained this to them so clearly, believe me Giulia!"

Not only that:

"I was thinking to involve also Allegra, she worked so much during your absence."

Liar him, liar me:

"Do I have to book another seat on the flight then?"

"What do you think about it?"

"As you prefer. If you desire her presence from my side no problem. You decide, I'll organize accordingly."

A slight disappointment crossed his big face.

"But no, no. She's good but too sticky and chatty for me. Let's try again another time, maybe."

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