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4,159 years later

The statue decayed the last 4,159 years and is now decrepit, half-buried out in the middle of the desert.


Imhotep's horrifying screams became the screams of a Tuareg horseman. Racing across the desert with two thousand of his warrior brethren. Armed to the teeth. A mile across the scorching desert two hundred french foreign Legionnaires scurry through the ruins, preparing for the onslaught. Rick O'Connell is up on the wall. His Kepi sits at a
jaunty angle. He looks out at the massive screaming horde galloping at him.

"I knew this was gonna be a lousy day", O'Connell says.

A Frenchman joins him as he makes his way across the top of the wall.

"Personally, I would like to surrender", Beni said, "Why can we not just surrender?"

"Shut-up and gimme your bandolier", O'Connell shot back.

Beni pulls off his cartridge belt and hands it to O'Connell.

"Then let's run away. Right now. While we can still make it", Beni begs.

O'Connell throws it on, crisscrossing his own bandolier.

"Now gimme your revolver, you'll never use it anyway", O'Connell demands.

Beni pulls out his pistol and chucks it to O'Connell.

"Then let's play dead, huh? Nobody ever does that anymore."

O'Connell slides the pistol Beni gave him into his belt, next to his own revolver.

"Now go find me a big stick."

"In the desert? What for?"

O'Connell turns and goes nose-to-nose with him.

"So I can tie it to your back, you
appear to be without a spine."

The horde of warriors thunders forward, now a half mile out, scimitars rattling. O'Connell and Beni run through the ruins.

"How'd a guy like you end up in the Legion anyways?" O'Connell asked.

"I got caught robbing a synagogue. Lots of good stuff in these holy places; churches, temples, mosques, and who's guarding them?"

"Altar boys?"

"Exactly! I speak seven languages, including Hebrew, so my specialty was synagogues. How about you? Kill somebody?"

Beni trips and accidentally tackles O'Connell to the ground. O'Connell gives him a nasty look.

"No, but I'm considering it."

They get up and run out the gate and down the stone ramp.

"What then? Robbery? Extortion? Kidnapping?"

"None of the them, thank you."

"Then what the hell are you doing here!?"

They both skid to a stop at the front line as they see the horde of warriors. The sound of charging horses is deafening. O'Connell gives Beni a big cheesy smile.

"I was just looking for a good time."

And that's when the cowardly Legionnaire Colonel suddenly panics, cuts and runs. O'Connell instantly stiffens.

"You just got promoted", Beni said to O'Connell.

"Prenez vos positions!" O'Connell yelled.

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