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Carrying torches, O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth made their way down a long, winding, narrow staircase, heading into the bowels of the necropolis, a passageway to hell.
Madylinn and Evelyn followed Imhotep into the underground cemetery. They stopped at the sight of all the big hairy rats scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Beni shoved his rifle into Madylinn's back and pushed her forward, earning a yelp from her and a glare from Imtohep.

"Keep moving."

Evelyn gave him a look.

"You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself, always get their comeuppance", she said.

Beni suddenly looked worried.

"Oh yeah? Really? They do?"

"Oh, yes. Always."

Beni looked even more worried, he nervously started chewing on his lip. All four of them walked over the bridge crossing the disgusting detritus moat. Evelyn looked down at it, horrified.


O'Connell and Ardeth were busy digging out a collapsed doorway.

"I 'd take those bigger stones first. Take them from the top, otherwise the whole thing will cave in on us. Come on. Put your backs into it."

The other two turned and gave him an annoyed look.

"Yes, well, you've got the idea. Chop-chop."

Both turned around and started digging again. That's when Jobathan noticed an amethyst scarab on the far wall. He walked over and tried to jiggle it free. It came loose in his hand. He looked at the scarab in his palm. It started to glow. And then something inside it started to wiggle.

"I say, gents! You should come and have a look at this."

The wiggling continued. A long, agonizing beat, and then the scarab broke out of it's cocoon and instantly burrowed into Jonathan's palm. He started to freak out and screamed. The other two turned around.


"It's in my arm! My arm!"

O'Connell ran up and ripped the shirt off Jonathan's arm. The scarab was now burrowing up Jonathan's arm.


"Do something!"

"Hold him!" O'Connell yelled at Ardeth, who held Jonathan.

"Do something! Do something!"

O'Connell whipped out his butterfly-knife, snapped it open and grabbed Jonathan's arm. Jonathan's eyes widened in terror as the knife passed in front of his face.

"Not that! Not that!"

Jonathan screamed louder, obviously being cut open. O'Connell's hand flicked something away. The scarab hit the floor and immediately started scurrying back towards Jonathan, wanting to finish the job. O'Connell pulled out his gun and blew it away.


The gunshot echoed into the cemetery as Imhotep, Madylinn, Evelyn and Beni stepped-up to the strange altar, where three thousand years ago Imhotep tried to bring Anck-su-namun back to life.
Imothep scowled at the sound and angrily reached into a canopic jar. He pulled out the crusted remains of Anck-su-namun's heart, crushed it to dust in his hand and started reading from the Book of the Dead.

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