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The moon was shining down on the desert. The three vicious Medjai, which were in the Curator's office before, quietly glide a narrow skiff out onto the river. The one with the hook sits in the middle of the skiff, the other two row, heading for the Passenger barge coming their way.


Jonathan and the three Americans are playing poker.

"Quit playin' with your glasses and cut the deck, Burns."

"Without my glasses I can't see the deck to cut it, Dave."

O'Connell comes out a door carrying a gunny-sack.

"Sit down, O'Connell, sit down, we could use another good player."

"I only gamble with my life, never my money."

"Never? What if I were to bet you five hundred dollars we get to Hamunaptra before you?" Daniels asked.

O'Connell returns Daniel's cocky look.

"You're looking for Hamunaptra?"

"Damn straight we are?"

"And who says we are?

"He does", the Americans said in unison and pointed to Jonathan.


"Well, how 'bout it? Is it a bet?"

"Alright, you're on."

Burns slips on his dirty bifocals.

"What makes you so confident, sir?"

"What makes you?" O'Connell retorted.

Henderson spits a wad of chew into a spittoon.

"We got us a man who's actually been there."

O'Connell's poker face drops, perplexed. Same with Jonathan.

"Oh, what a coincidence, because O'Connell..."

O'Connell 'accidentally' hits him in the ribs with the
gunnyback, shutting him up. Jonathan quickly covers.

"Whose play is it?... Is it my play? I thought..."

"Gentleman, we got us a wager. Good evening, Jonathan."

O'Connell squeezed Jonathan's shoulder too much that he flinched.

"Good Night. Oh hey Maddy! Wanna join us?"

Madylinn scoffed.

"What? Na... it's your... thing. I'm going to bed. Good night Jonathan."

"Night, Maddy."

"Gentleman", Maddy nods to the Americans.

"Nice lady you got there."

"She's my cousin. And I don't think she's interested in any of you."

Madylinn went to her room and dressed into a thin nightgown. She laid down and covered herself with the blanket, falling into a deep sleep immediately. What she didn't knew was, that she was being watched by one of the Medjai.

Unknown POV

I watched as the girl bid the Americans a good night and going to her room. I followed her there. Somewhere I got the feeling that I knew her from somewhere, but I couldn't figure out from where and why I had this feeling. I watched her going into her room and she started to undress. I quickly turned around, not wanting to be a pervert. When I heard her walking again, I glanced back and turned completely around again and watched as she laid down and covered herself with the blanket and fell asleep quickly. The others came up behind me wondering what I was doing and took me so long. One of them jumped through the window and raised his hook to make a strike. My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed his raised arm. He looked at me confused.

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