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The Cairo prison. One of the worst hell holes on earth. Every low-life form of scumbag can be found here. The warden, a first rate scumbag himself, escorts Madylinn, Evelyn and Jonathan across the gallows courtyard.

"Come, come! Step over the threshold. Welcome to Cairo prison, my humble home.

"You told us that you got it on a dig down in Thebes!" Madylinn whisper-yelled.

"Well I was mistaken."

"You lied to us!"

"I lie to everybody, what makes you so special?"

"I'm your cousin!"

"And I'm your sister!"

"That just makes you more gullible."

"You stole it from a drunk at the local Casbah?!"

"Picked his pocket, actually. ... So I don't think it's a very good..."

Jonathan wanted to turn around and go, but Evelyn and their cousin turned him back around and dragged him along with them. The Warden ushers Evelyn and Jonathan into the holding pen.

"Stop being so ridiculous. What exactly is this man in prison for?" Evelyn addressed the last part to the warden.

"This I do not know. But when I heard that you were coming, I asked him that myself."

"And what did he say?"

"He said he was just looking for a good time.

The interior cell door bursts open. O'Connell is in chains, dragged out by four guards, they shove him up to the cell bars. From the looks of it, he's been there for a while; his face is half hidden by long hair, a beard and many new bruises. Evelyn looks at him, disgusted by his appearance.

"But he's just a filthy criminal?

Jonathan cringed.

"Way to go, Evy", Madylinn said.

"This is the man you stole it from?"

"Yes, exactly. So why don't we just go sniff out a spot of tiffin..."

O'Connell gives Madylinn and Evelyn the once over, then looks at Jonathan.

"Who are you and who are the broads?"

"Broads?!" Madylinn and her cousin exclaimed at the same time.

"I-I'm just a local dort of missionary chap, spreading the good word. But this are my sister Evy and our cousin Maddy."

"How do you do?"

"Yeah? Oh well,... I'm sure they're not a total loss."

Evelyn is stunned and furious.

"I beg your pardon", she said.

"I'll be back in a moment."

The warden heads out the door.

"I tremble with anticipation", O'Connell said sarcastically.

A guard clubs O'Connell across the head, O'Connell's face bounces off the metal bars. He shows no pain, but just looks back and gives the guard a nasty look.

"Ask him abou the box."

Evelyn steps closer.

"Um we have found uh hello. Excuse me. We three found your puzzle box and we've come to ask you about it."

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