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Having heard the crash, Beni and the Americans had their guns pointed at the floor. The Egyptologist could care less, he looked at the Diggers, gripping their crowbars, and yelled.


The three diggers pulled hard. The ancient seams start to give, the Egyptologist yelled again. The diggers pulled harder. The compartment started to loosen. Again he yelled. The diggers gave one final pull and an intense burst of liquid sprays out of the seam, it hit the three diggers melted their skin clean off. They screamed, dying horribly, half skeletal by the time they hit the ground.


The dust was starting to clear. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan slowly got up and stepped over to the massive stone casement.

"Oh my god,... it looks like... it looks like a sarcophagus", Evelyn said.

"Why would they bury somebody in the ceiling?"

"They didn't, they buried him at the foot of Anubis. He either must have been someone of great importance. Or he did something very naughty", Madylinn said the last part nervously."


"Oh, Allah. One more. One more."

The warden dropped an amethyst-scarab into his pouch, then greedily started prying away at another. It ripped off, he drops it into his pouch, -- only he missed, and this scarab quietly fell to the sandy floor without the warden noticing. The scarab begins to transform. The amethyst started to glow. Something inside started to wiggle; as if the amethyst were some sort of strange cocoon. Then it split open and a real live hideous scarab beetle scurried out. It raced over to the warden's shoe, quickly burrowed into the leather and vanished inside. The wardens eyes flew open. He started to scream, dropped his knife and frantically starts clawing away at his pant leg, higher and higher until he rips open his shirt revealing a large, hideous lump, burrowing under his skin.

"Help me! Help me!" he screamed.

It burrowed it's way up his fat belly and across his hairy chest. The warden clawed and scratched at it, trying to stop it. The lump burrowed up his neck. The Warden started gagging and coughing. And then the scarab-lump vanished into his head.


Madylinn cleared the dirt off the top of the sarcophagus, revealing a single, ominous hieroglyph. Evelyn stares at it Jonathan impatiently strummed his fingers across the lid.

"Well?... Who is it?" he asked.

Evelyn stares at the hieroglyph, confused and concerned.

"He that shall not be named", Madylinn translated.

O'Connell dusted off the huge lock.

"This looks like some sort of lock here. You say these thing's are made of granite with a steel interior?"

"Quarried granite with a cobalt lining."

"Well whoever's in here, sure wasn't getting out."

"Yeah no kidding. It'd take us a month to crack into this thing without a key."

"A key? A key! That's it! That's what he was talking about."

"Who was talking about what?"

Evelyn started rummaging through the pack on Jonathan's back.

"The man on the barge. The one with the hook. He was looking for a key."

Evelyn pulled out the key/box. Jonathan tried to take it back.

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