9 (lemon)

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O'Connell and Jonathan raced into the foyer and skidded to a stop as they saw Henderson's shriveled body on the floor. O'Connell ran up to Evelyn's door and rattled the knob, which was still locked. He bend down and looked in through the keyhole.

Imothep's POV

I leaned down towards the woman about to kiss her as she slept. I ignored that someone started crash and bang the door. I kissed her. My lips and mouth instantly started to degenerate and decay. Right down to the bone. The door bursted open and the woman woke up. She saw me kissing her. She screamed and shoved me away. I grimaced in sadness.

"Get your ugly face and your hands off of my girl, pal", a man said

My sadness turned to anger as I spun around and faced him, licking my fetid lips.

"Nice lips."

I started to move for him.

"I figured you might be here, so look what I got. I brought a friend."

He throws the white cat at me. I instinctively caught it. I shrieked as the cat hissed at me, I dropped the cat and stumbled back towards the window, which blew open. I spun like a dervish and bursted into a whirlwind of sand. Everybody covered their eyes. I exploded out the window and vanished over the compound. When I was out of sight, I let the wind carry me to another open window. I flew in and turned back to my human body. My eyes went over to the bed where I found the beauty I was searching for. She was sleeping deeply and silently, as I walked over and sat down on the bed's edge next to her. The blanket covered her only to her waist, I pulled it away. She was wearing a short satin and thin nightgown. It was not only thin but a bit tight too and that complimented her thin and a bit curvy figure. The nightgown was pink and showed of her breasts. Her body was so alluring, but it wasn't complete, the soul of her past life was missing. I let my hand wander over her body, from her jawline, down her neck and shoulder over her breast where I let my hand rest a few centimeters under it. I leaned down and kissed her, like I did with the other woman but this time longer and more passionate.

No ones POV

Jonathan had his gun aimed at the window, his hand shaking badly. O'Connell hugged Evelyn as she wiped her mouth in disgust. Daniels walked in, looked at Henderson's shriveled body on the floor... and dropped the martini glasses.

"Hey... where's the other woman?"

Everyone's faces, even Evelyn's, changed to horrified and panicked.

"Oh shit", O'Connell mumbled under his breath.

"Take the cat."

They raced out of Evelyn's fort and raced to Madylinn's, the cat in Jonathan's arms. Lucky for them, her doors were not locked. But as they bursted in, they found Imothep with his lips and hands on Madylinn. The cat hissed and that got Imothep's attention.

"First my sister and now my cousin. Really? Not funny."

The cat hissed again and that made Imothep shriek and turning to sand and vanishing again. O'Connell grabbed Madylinn and lead them all to Jonathan's car.

Jonathan raced his big convertible through the streets, honking constantly. Evelyn sat between him and O'Connell who had Madylinn on his lap, looking scared and nervous, then she gave O'Connell a look.

"You called me your girl?"

"What?... Oh yeah, that was just um, you know, figure a speech."

"I think you were jealous"

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