Seeing her

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Dan's POV
I am so fucking stupid. I went for a run and I forgot my fucking phone but some how I managed to remember my passport. I start speed walking down the road and I'm thinking of giving up  walking home and to eat some chocolate but out of the corner I see Jess running right past me. I run after her and nearly trip over a mans foot and nearly land in a tree . I sprint after Jess when I see her stop at a bridge in the park and climb on it, probably completing jumping off. Before I can think I'm running towards Jess and the bridge "Jess, stop!" I shout loud enough for a group of people turn around "Don't jump, I love you and Phil loves you" I say stepping closer as Jess looks at me wide eyed, I put my hand out to help her off the bridge but she whimpers "come on Jess you need to stay alive, now please get down off the bridge and onto the ground" I say softly as I take a step closer to Jess holding my hands out and she takes them. I look into her eyes and I see the fear in her brown eyes. Without saying anything I pull her into a hug and she starts crying "shh it's okay" in say kissing her forehead "lets get you home" I say wiping a tear from her cheek.

Phil's POV
Dan's been away for at least a hour and he's also forgot his phone(he's most likely lost) "Phil please can I use your camera pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?"Jess says in a funny  child's  voice walking into the living room "sure it's in the gaming room or else in my room" I say looking up from my phone just as Jess was about to leave then Dan comes into the apartment "Phil, Phil, where are you?!" I hear Dan shout questioningly and he runs into the room. Me and Jess look and  see another one ofJess and looking back at us "what the fffffff" Jess says looking at me then looking at Dan "Hello, not to be rude but who are you?" Jess says looking at I guess her doppelgänger, confused and scared "I'm Katherine " she replies with a stutter "Who are you?" Katherine says looking at Jess. "I'm Jessica", Jess says walking closer to Katherine.I look at Dan and nod "We will let the two of you  talk", I say as me and Dan walk out of the room to start making phone calls to the orphanage and the police.

Jess's POV
"Hi",I say sitting down. "Hi" Katherine replies sitting faraway from me, "are we twins or something because all I know is that I have a sister?' I say as Katherine looks down and a couple of seconds later I hear her sniffle.
I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her and I'm surprised that she wraps her arm around me and before I know it the both of us are crying I look into her eyes to see the same light brown eyes, hair and lips , but I can sort of pick out the small details we don't have in common like her nose is a little bit thinner her eyes are wider and other small things like that "Jessica can I ask you something ?" Katherine asks as we both pull away "sure, you can call me Jess if you want" I say and Katherine nods "Who are those two men?, and you call me Kathy if you want" she asks. "Dan and Phil?they're  my dads" I say shocked at that, I just said the d word "The man with the brown hair stopped me from killing myself " Kathy  says as my jaw dropped and I wish I could tell what she was thinking of. "Why" I ask sternly and I take a hold of Kathy's hand.  

Kathy's  POV
Freedom. I saw it and I took it. Bad idea. I've been running for three days straight and I'm tired and hungry. I look up to see a fairly large tree. I'm positive that he stopped following me. I start to climb the tree and when I it to the top I see him holding a knife and looking around like a mentally ill person. I scamper up higher into the tree and he walks past me to the right. I think I waited around five hours in that tree until he came back and the knife was covered in deep red blood. What did he do? I sat my ground for half the night and I was cold, hungry and tired. At I think five in the morning I climbed down the tree and started my quest to get to London and start a new life for myself.
As I'm walking I start to think about things I've missed and before I know I'm standing on a bridge while this man with brown hair and brown eyes talk about this other man Phil he also said things like "I love you" and he referred to me as Jess.
I'm so confused right now one minute I'm only moments away from death and next minute I'm looking at my identical twin sister who is asking me why I wanted to end my sort of life " "I saw freedom and I ran for it and I realised no one cared about me and how ugly I am" I say looking down at my black leggings before I can finish Jess buts in "I will not let you sit here in front of me tearing yourself apart" Jess says strongly. Suddenly my pulse sky rockets as my breath quickens the light is to bright the room heats up and my mouth feels  dry and I'm feeling faint. I see Jess mouth something but it gets lost in the air. Moments  later she returns with a glass of water and her dads Sam and Phillip (I think). She hands me the water and as I drink it my pulse goes to a normal beat again "Are you ok?" (I'm gonna say Sam) asked me " I don't know" I say Sam looks as confused as ever "Not to be rude but is it ok if I could sleep for a bit?" I say rubbing my eyes. "of course Katherine, Jess will show you to a room" Phillip says. When I lay down on the bed it's so soft and warm and before I know  I'm asleep far away from my worries. I feel at peace as I slip into a deep sleep.

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