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AN yeah! this part has a title (should I be happy about this)

Jessica's POV
I've been walking around this school for like ever (or like five minutes in real time) and I have no clue where to go but I find my way to the place where you get your timetable and I realize that this schools Is 100 times the bigger than my old one and I'm hopeful that there is a lot less assholes in it as well. I'm just thinking about how lucky I've been in the last few weeks and I might start a youtube channel what would I call it ? My thoughts are cut short as I'm walking down the stairs I feel myself fall towards the ground and I scrunch my eyes waiting for the impact of my body to coiled with the cold marbled floor (sounds painful and it's happened to me before ) but to my surprise a pair of arms warp around me and breaks my fall. " OMG I'm so sorry " I say getting off this person I just fell onto "don't worry your head about it" look up to see a pair of  hazel brown eyes and brown hair (a little darker than mine) looking back at me. "Sorry it's just I'm new and I'm sorta lost" I say being the weirdo I am "what's your name?" He said "Jessica but you can call me Jess, what's yours?" I ask "I'm Connor (not Connor franta) , can I see your timetable" Connor says , I nod and give him my timetable " your in most of my classes" Connor says and gives me my  timetable back. Just then the bell goes and people start to flood the halls I've never been good in large groups of people. "Jess we need to go now" Connor says and we go to form class (that's homeroom for anyone not in da UK) "hello class today we have a new student and her name is Jessica" my teacher says and gives me the look of 'get up here now and say something' so I get up and I don't get nervous I fell like it's the start of something "Hello my name's Jessica but you can call me Jess and I'm 14 years old" I say and sit down agin and the teacher starts the lesson.

Phil's POV
When Jess left I went to the apple store to get her the iPhone 6 because she only has the iPhone 4, Dan said he got her a laptop. I enter the apple store and I go over to the phone section and as l was looking a got a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see a girl who looks to be 11 or 12 "hello, is it ok if I get a picture with you and Dan" she said "Sorry Dans not here" I say  "okay, I'll have a photo with you" the girl and it sounded forced but I never say no to a fan. The girl took the photo and said goodbye and left the shop. I go back to what I was doing and as I'm going so I think about how forced that girl sounded am I only know as the other half of Dan and Phil, just a friend of Danisnotinfire (but I'm really his boyfriend) (AN i think Dan and Phil are their own people and I fell bad for writing this part)I snap out of my day dream as i remember why I'm really here. I get the iPhone 6, pay for it and I fell my phone move in my pocket and I take it out if my pocket and see that Jess had sent me a messaged me

Jess⚡️: Hey phil I was wondering if I could borrow ur camera?

Phil🐸: yeah that's okay wat is to for?

Jess⚡️: can't talk rn I'll tell when I get home bye

Phil🐸:okay bye

Dans POV
Ever since Phil came home he was quitter than normal."Phil, come here a minute" I say and I here phill opening the door and siting next to me "what have you done now" Phil says "it's about me,ever since you came back from the apple store you've been quite,is everything ok ?" I ask him and Phil moves closer to me and rests his head in my shoulder "when I was in the apple store a fan came over and asked for a photo with us and in said you weren't there and her answer for yes almost sounded forced and I fell like the other half of Dan and Phil" Phil says and looks and with big sad eyes "Why would you think that?" I say very confused "when I was in the apple store  I met a fan and she ask for a picture with us and I said it was just me and when she said yes just  for a picture with me it sounded really forced but I took the photo and said goodbye" Phil told me and I was so surprised me "that's not true Phil" I say and place a small kiss on his lips "let's get Jess's room room ready for her" I say and me and Phil go into Jess's room and set the laptop and the iPhone 6 on the bed and then the door opens and me and Phil run into the living room. "Hello Dan, hello Phil I'm home and I need to show you something " Jess says and me and Phil walk out of the living room and into the hall "what is it?" Phil says and we walk over to Jess. She then turns her phone around and it's the picture with the fan and the caption said "just meet @Amazingphil the other half of @danisnotonfire today" and the look on Phil's face in a mixture of sadness and anger."I'm reporting her" I say and I go onto Instagram and block and report her

I'm back and I'm still alive   Sorry for the long wait my internet was f****ed  up and my brother log me out and I forgot my password. Sorry for mistake and fell free to correct me in the comments.  Thanks for reading and have a great day/night/evening and get lots of sweets or candy cause its halloween (well in the uk)

Stay spooky my chickens (wat chickens are spooky

Cara out

adopted by Dan and Phil Where stories live. Discover now