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Jessica's POV.

I sit in my usual seat, in my case the back cause it's better than getting picked for everything and very one having an opinion on you after all I'm just the fifteen year old orphan girl. "Ok, let me see Jessica come up here and wright one word on the broad what you think fits your personality the best" Mr.Oakley says in his normally happy voice. I then proceed to get up and walk to the front of the classroom avoiding all eye contact and I feel all eyes burn into the back of my head and my breath quickens and my hands start shaking ,when get to the front of the classroom I take the pen off Mr.Oakley and start thinking about that on word will be word, I wright happy but I'm everything but happy in this moment in time. Then I turn around put the pen down on the table and walk back to my desk and when I sit on wooden chair and let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and wright the rest if the notes down.

--time skip to 30mins into the future------

"Ok you are all free to go" Mr.Oakley says and least us leave. I hear people laughing and I know there are laughing at me likely at my hair and how over weight I am so I just let it slide, but when after five minutes of me leaving the school I got pulled into the park but before I could scream I'm being pinned against a tree and l winch out against the force of this man. I look up and he's has a name badge "Sam pepper" It reads and he puts his finger on my chain " what do you want" I say and there's tears forming in my eyes I know what's coming and we're so close I can feel his breath on my face "just a little kiss" he says with a evil smirk (I personality don't watch Sam pepper but from what I herd he's not a good person and sorry if your a fan of his) I feel like I can't breath and there are tears freely falling from my eyes "helllllllllp !" I scream " why did you do that for" Sam says and is clearly pissed off. He then (forcefully) proceeds to press his lips on mine the kiss was full of hatred he then puts his hands on my waist ,I suddenly fell really dirty. I then see two boys around my age running to me and Sam "stop right now" one if them says and pulls Sam of me and he try's to swing a punch and I fall to the ground. "t t thank y you" I say and Sam gets up and runs " no worries really" the other boy says " who are yous" I say "I'm Michael and this is John" Michael says and john waves" thank you so much but I need to get home" I say "okay, but be careful it's getting dark" they say "bye" I say and walk off and going in the direction of the orphanage

---another time skip in to the future----

I take my home work and start on my English homework and start to wright am easy on "who inspires you and why?" And I pick danisnotinfire and Amazingphil . I then look at my phone and see that it's 1:30 in the morning and I finished my easy.

•In dreamland•

I walk into a little house and all the windows are smashed and see fresh blood everywhere I then start following the blood and it Leeds to a small room and I feel something press into my back and I feel a lot of pain I turn around and see a man holding a knife and throughs it at my heart

I wake up and relies it was just a dream and let out a shaky breath and get ready for the next day

----time skip to a week into the future----

Phil's POV

So today me and Dan are going to adopt a child to add to Howell/Lester family. It's a ten minute walk from are flat to the orphanage and in London it takes for ever to walk across the (An again no clue how long it takes to walk across a road in London as I'm irish, anyway onwards with the story) we get a taxi there. I then see Dan take his phone and "hello internet so today or when ever you see this we have adopted a child and me and Phil have chosen a fifteen year old girl called Jessica so we'll show her to you and we will we you soon bye" Dan says and puts this phone away. We get out of the car and pay the driver and go into the orphanage (or you can call it the orPHANage , no ok I'll leave)

Jessica's POV
I sit in my very small room and click on Phil's newest video. A member of staff knocks on my "hello,come on in its open" I say as they are going to try get me to get me to eat. The door opens and I go on to say "I'm not Hunga" but when I see the two people that i would never see it was Dan Howell and Phil Lester "Hello,I'm dan and this is Phil" Dan says and him and Phil stand there" I'm a huge fan"is all I mange to get put of my so called mouth. "Well today me and Phil are going to adopt you" Dan says sending a worried look " Thank you thank you" I say getting up and running over to Dan and Phil and hugging him and I start crying "I'm just so happy I've been here for over three years" I says Phil pulls in into a hug and looks and Dan to say what looks like 'yes' "ok so I'll get the papers singed and Dan will help you pack" Phil says and smiles sweetly and walks out the door and into the hall." Ok let's get packing" Dan says and looks around the to say 'wow this is small' "ok but I don't have much stuff " I say and my over sized suitcase from under my bed

AN thank you for reading this chapter and this is second phan fic (my hero -phan) just suddenly promo, and this is my longest chapter ( by 1118) thank you for reading byeee 😎

Favorite songs I listened to while writhing/editing

• wild=troy Sivan
•19 you+me=Dan + shay
•don't wait= Joey graceffa
• heathens= twenty-one pilots

adopted by Dan and Phil Where stories live. Discover now