Chapter 13

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The sun was starting to set on Sunday evening as Katie snuggled next to Ben. They were laying side by side on her bed, watching a movie. As she noticed the shadows growing deeper in her room, Katie stretched her arms above her head and yawned. She hadn't realized how much time had gone by as they had spent the entire day watching movies and making out.

Standing up, Katie glanced over her shoulder at Ben who was completely engrossed in the action on her flat screen. "Need anything from the kitchen? She asked.

"Nah, I'm good." Ben said, not even bothering to look over at her.

Sighing, Katie walked over to her night stand and grabbed the remote. She turned it off and tossed the remote back onto the table.

"Hey! I was watching that!" he complained, sitting up.

Katie sat down on the bed next to him and ran her fingers through her hair. "I know, but we really need to talk about this. You haven't said anything all day about the Shawn situation." She had called him over that morning so she could break the news to him. She had been so nervous over his reaction but so far he hadn't seemed too upset about it. And that's what worried her the most. She should be happy that he took it so well but instead she was afraid that the outburst would come later. She would much rather get it all out of the way now.

Ben groaned and laid back down on his back. "What is there to talk about? I found out my girlfriend of three years is actually the half sister to Shawn Montgomery....the step brother to Logan Brown." he looked over at her and narrowed his eyes. "Am I happy about it? No. But what do you want me to say? Does it suck? Heck yeah! Actually, it's kinda embarrassing." He sat back up. "I want absolutely nothing to do with either of those two losers, and now it appears that I've been dating Shawn's sister. That's messed up, Katie."

"Well, it's not as if I knew! I'm not exactly happy about any of this either but unfortunately there's not a thing I can do. And I'm the one that has to live with the guy. He's practically a stranger!!" Katie buried her face in her hands. "My life is so jacked up, I swear."

Ben leaned closer to her, "So refuse to let him move in. Tell him you don't care what you're daddy wanted, that you want nothing to do with him. Just because he shares some of your blood doesn't make him family, Katie. His mom was obviously a whore who tried to destroy your family." he sneered.

Katie lifted her head and stared at him. "It takes two to tango, Ben. I doubt she had to force my dad to have an affair with her." She shook her head bitterly, fighting backs the tears. "I still can't believe he did this. How could he do that to my mom!? To me!?" Looking out at the darkening sky Katie wondered if her mom had known about the affair.

She gasped, "I bet that's why she left! She found out about the affair, and about Shawn!"

Ben shrugged, "Maybe, who knows. Doesn't matter cause either way she's gone. You don't have to let Shawn ruin the rest of your life too. Seriously Katie, just tell him at school tomorrow that the deal is off. He can go find another family to mooch off of." He swept a strand of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

Katie slowly shook her head, "I can't, Ben. The Will clearly states that if I deny him the opportunity to do his part and gain his inheritance, then I forfeit mine. Everything I have will automatically go to him and I will be forced to live off a monthly allowance." she sniffed.

Ben's eyes widened in surprise. "What the crap was your dad thinking? He must have really lost his mind when he came up with this load of bull!"

Katie shrugged, "I don't know. It feels as if I don't even know who he was anymore." Taking a deep breath she continued, "But unless I want to end up having to get a.." she gulped, "a job....then I'm going to have to go through with this. In fact, he's moving in on Friday."

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