Chapter 27

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She turned as she heard Shawn call out her name. He was walking quickly down the hallway toward her. He came to a halt beside her and paused to catch his breath.

"Did you run all the way here?" she eyed him worriedly.

"I wanted to catch you before your next class. Have you seen Logan today?"

"No," she adjusted the shoulder strap of her bag as she spoke, "I haven't seen him since last week, when he followed me out of the cafeteria. Have you not talked to him?"

"I saw him on Saturday but I tried calling him yesterday and never got in touch with him. Just wanted to check on him since he didn't show up to school yesterday." He said worriedly.

"Maybe he's just not feeling good. Or maybe he's just skipping, like he's been known to do. What did he say when you talked to him on Saturday? About missing school Friday, that is."

"I didn't ask." Shawn rubbed the back of his neck.

Katie raised her eyebrows. "You didn't ask? Why not?"

"Because I'm not his parent. I try not to act like one." Shawn defended.

"Ok, so why are you going all parental now with worry?"

Shawn frowned. "Because I know if Logan misses anymore days at school, he won't be able to graduate. I don't want to see that happen. Friday was one thing, but now he's missed 3 days in a row. Add that to all the other days he's skipped this year and his graduation is in jeopardy."

"Are you kidding me!?" Katie said incredulously. "Why would he put his future in jeopardy like that?"

"I don't know. He knows he can't afford to miss anymore school and he also knows that he needs to graduate if he wants to be able to get into college and get out of that house." Shawn closed his eyes. "I'm worried about him." Opening his eyes, he saw Katie staring worriedly at him. "I'm leaving. I'm going out to the house to check on him."

He started to walk away when Katie grabbed his arm. "I'm going with you." Determination shone in her eyes and he knew it would do no good to argue with her. "Fine. Let's go!"

Watching the trees go by as Shawn's truck sped down the road, heading away from town, Katie frowned. "Do you think he's sick?"

"I hope so."

Katie turned to frown at Shawn in confusion. "What?"

He glanced over at her before turning his attention back to the road. "It beats the alternative."

Not sure what he meant by that, Katie let it go and turned back to watching out the window.

Pulling into the gravel driveway, Shawn threw the truck into park and hopped out. Katie slowly followed him as he quickly made his way to the worn out porch. He tried the door knob only to find it locked. Pulling out his keys, he tried to insert one in but it wouldn't fit. "That son of a..." Shawn pounded on the door. "Logan! It's me, Shawn!" They waited a few seconds and then Shawn pounded even harder. "Open the door Logan or I'll break it down! You know I will." He called out.

Katie stood off to the side, watching him with her eyes wide. She was about to tell Shawn to calm down when the door swung open.

Shawn took a step back. "David." he croaked.

Katie stared at the man standing in the doorway. If Shawn hadn't said his name, she was sure she wouldn't have recognized him. Gone was the handsome man she remembered as a child. Instead, standing in front of her was an old, worn out man who looked like he hadn't showered in days. She couldn't believe this man was actually Logan's father. The one who used to give her piggy-back rides, the one who taught her how to ride a bike when her dad was too busy. The years had obviously not been good to him.

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