Chapter 18

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Ben was waiting impatiently for her just outside the cafeteria doors. As soon as she reached him he grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hall until he found an empty classroom. He yanked open the door, pulled her in and then shut the door. Katie stepped away from him and rubbed her sore arm. She glanced around the empty room and then looked at Ben warily.

He was leaning against the door with his arms folded over his chest. "Want to tell me what that was about?" He demanded.

Katie decided to play dumb, "What are you talking about? You dragged me in here, not the other way around."

Ben straightened up and walked slowly towards her, anger rolling off of him in waves. "Don't play stupid with me, Katie. I know you better than that. What the hell were you doing sitting with those two losers!? And most importantly, why did you ignore me? Do you know how stupid you made me look in there? Everyone wanting to know why MY girlfriend was having lunch with Logan and Shawn?" His nostrils flared as he ranted. "What are you playing at, Katie?"

Katie had been slowly backing away from him as he was moving towards her but she was stopped when her back hit the far wall. "What am I playing at, Ben? Me?? You treat me like crap and you expect me to act as if nothing happened? You attacked me Sunday night! Remember??" she snapped. Anger was beginning to replace the fear. She was so tired of putting up with being treated like this. She deserved better.

Pushing away from the wall suddenly, Katie stopped only inches from Ben and stared him straight in the eye. "We are over, Ben. I didn't want to do this here at school but you leave me no choice. I'm tired of you thinking you can do and say whatever you want to me and I'll just sit back and take it. I'm not as weak as you seem to think I am." she paused, her eyes raking over his body, "and frankly, I can do better. I deserve better." With those final words she pushed past him and headed quickly to the door, determined not to let him see how scared she really felt, saying those words to him in an empty classroom.

Ben stood very still as she made her way to the door. She forced herself to walk calmly and breathing a sigh of relief, she reached out and grabbed the handle of the door. Just as she started to turn the knob, she felt a sudden sharp pain at the back of her head. With a yelp, she felt herself being yanked harshly backyard by her hair until her back was pressed firmly against Ben. Tears stung her eyelids as he twisted his fist in her hair, holding her tighter.

"Just who do you think you are?" he hissed in her ear. "You are nothing without me."

She bit her lip hard, trying to hold back the sob that desperately wanted to come out. "Ben, stop. Please! Just let me go."

He tightened his hold on her until she felt like every hair was about to be yanked out. "You belong to me, Katie. You can't just walk away. Not after three years!"

Biting back a whimper, Katie instead said firmly, "I do not belong to you, or anyone! And I don't need you either! Nor do I even want you anymore! Let. Me. Go!!" she finally screamed, at the same time she brought her foot down hard on his.

Ben grunted in surprise and as soon as she felt his grip in her hair loosen, she yanked her head away with as much force as she could and ran to the door. Grabbing the handle she yanked it open, only to have it slammed shut immediately and Ben pressed against her. Grabbing her shoulder he forcefully turned her around to face him and slammed her hard against the door. "You little b*tch!" he spat in her face. "How dare you! After everything I've done for you!" She couldn't hide the fear growing in her eyes as she looked into his. She had never seen them so full of rage before. She put her arms up and placed her hands against his chest, trying to push him away from her. He didn't budge even an inch, it only made him even angrier and he slammed her back into the door again, causing the back of her head to bang against it hard. She winced at the pain.

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