Chapter 23

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Katie hid out in the bathroom for the rest of the day. She felt too humiliated to face anyone right away. To find out that your former boyfriend had been screwing your supposed friend nearly the entire time you were together, it was just too humiliating. And infuriating. Adding that to the abuse she had endured at his hands, it was too much. She wasn't sure how much more life could throw at her before she lost it. Maybe she already had.

Hearing the final bell ring, Katie grabbed her bag and left the bathroom. She walked straight to the front doors and out into the sunlight, planning to head straight home and avoid anyone and everyone. That was until she saw Shawn and Ashley hanging out in the parking lot next to his truck. Logan was with them. Katie felt anger boiling up inside her again and before she could think about what she was doing, she headed in their direction.

Logan noticed her approaching first and raised his eyebrows. Hopping off the tailgate, he nudged Shawn and said, "I think we've got company."

Turning, Shawn and Ashley both glanced over to see Katie walking quickly towards them. "She doesn't look very happy." Shawn murmured.

Rolling her eyes, Ashley muttered, "She's probably still upset about Friday night."

"Yeah well, so am I"

"Just, try not to say anything that will make it worse ok? She's still my friend, and your sister. She'll get over it eventually."

They stopped talking right before Katie got close enough to hear. "Hey Katie," Ashley a said hesitantly.

Katie got right to the point. "Did you know?" She stared hard at Ashley, ignoring the two boys.

Ashley glanced over at Shawn in confusion. He shrugged. "Know what, Katie?" she asked, looking back at her best friend.

Katie glanced over at Shawn and then at Logan. "Did either of you know?"

Growling in frustration, Shawn glared at her. "Did we know what, Katie? Spit it out, we can't read your mind!"

Ashley frowned over at him.

Looking back at Katie, she saw the desperation shining in her eyes. She grew concerned and reached out to touch Katie's arm.

Katie yanked her arm out of reach. "Did you, or did you not, know about Ben and Sarah?" She hated how hoarse and whiny her voice sounded to her ears. She saw the shock in Ashley's eyes, and then the guilt. Swallowing hard, she stared coldly at Ashley. "How could you?"

"Katie," Ashley began, then stopped, unsure what to say.

Katie saw Shawn move closer to Ashley and put his arm around her. Her throat clogged with tears, she managed to force out, "You all knew. All three of you."

"The whole school knew, Katie." She whipped her head around to glare at Logan. He shrugged, "What did you expect? You date a guy like Ben and everyone is going to know every detail of your relationship. Whether those details are fact or not, most people don't question. Especially when it's coming from the great and wonderful Ben" he added sarcastically. "Did you really think anyone would rat him out?"

Katie's fists clenched, "I would think that my 'best friend' would at least tell me." She looked back over at Ashley as she said that.

Ashley looked down and swallowed. "We weren't always that close, Katie. We didn't start getting that close until recently, and you were already planning on ending things. I didn't think there was any point in saying something by then. Why add insult to injury?" She looked back up and whispered softly, "I am so sorry, Katie. I honestly had hoped you would never have to find out about that."

Katie shook her head and said bitterly, "You really think Sarah would keep something like that to herself? Especially once she found out things were over between me and Ben? Why wouldn't she want to rub it in my face?" Tears filled her eyes but Katie fiercely blinked them away. "It's humiliating to know that the entire school knew all along that my boyfriend was cheating on me with my friend. But what hurts even more than that, is knowing that you knew all along and didn't feel it was important enough to tell me." She then turned her attention to Shawn. "And you! You're supposed to be my brother! Aren't brothers supposed to look out for their younger sisters? Wouldn't this qualify as part of your new, temporary job description?? If you're going to play the part then you should at least act the part! But then again, you're really only going through with this charade for the money. Why else would you saddle yourself with the responsibility of taking over my home and my life? You've made it perfectly clear that it's not because you need or want a sister. You have your brother." She spat, unable to control the anger now pouring out of her, "Why interfere in your sister's sorry excuse for a love life? If I could just give you the money dad promised you and let you out of your end of the bargain, believe me, I would! I'm tired of being a charity case!"

Taking a shaky, ragged breath, Katie finally paused in her tirade. The other three stood there silently regarding her. Shocked by her outburst.

"Katie," Ashley started.

"Don't. I can't take anymore." Katie silently turned and walked away. She forced herself to walk slowly to her car. Clenching her jaw tight, she refused to let anyone see her cry. Not now. Not ever. With shaking hands, she unlocked her door, climbed in and sat for a few moments, trying to catch her breath. Glancing up, she found them still looking her way. Ashley with concern and regret, with Shawn leaning over and whispering to her. Probably reassuring her that she did nothing wrong, Katie thought bitterly. Looking over at Logan, she saw him staring right back at her. Unnerved, she realized she didn't see any pity or disgust on his face.

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