Chapter 5

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(Luke's pov)
  I sit and listen to Reikis' heartbeat,and calm down from what happened minutes ago,when Aunt Erza comes over and says "Reiki is this what you were trying to tell your father and I?" a deep rumble comes from his chest and I hear him say "yes mom this is" and her saying "you can stay".  Tears build in my eyes and I say "thank you aunt Erza" and she pats me on the head and walks away.  I start crying, tears that have built up for a while now, "it's okay Luke" I hear Reiki say as he rubs my back. I feel terrible about not being here when mom and dad needed me and when gramps passed away so I cry and cry until I can't no more. I feel drops of water falling on my head and I look up and Reiki's crying with me and lays his cheek on my head, he whispers "it's okay" and "shh".  
   "Reiki" I whisper. He lifts his cheek and looks at me, Reiki the one who never cries but looks sad at funerals. "why?" I wonder aloud "remember when we were training and what Yamio said". "that's what his name is?" Nashi asks from where she and storm are standing. "Yes" Reiki answers and turns to look back down at me "Do you remember?." I think and shake my head no "He said you might not remember" Reiki says with a humorless chuckle, pain evident in his features.  
  "Yamio said I'd feel your pain but twice as much because I love you." he shouts and then looks at all the people looking at him and says "I'm sorry"  Reiki continues "He also said that would be the only thing to protect us when Haruki comes, Luke if you don't love me that's okay I'll still protect you when..." I interrupt him.
     "Are you as dense as Uncle Grey?" "what?" he asks.  "I love you too you big idiot why do you think I blushed around you before we started going on missions together, and then I thought as long as I'm his friend I'll be happy. Then when we were on the mission, before we got the news about mom and dad and how they saved the guild, you told me something big was coming and you hugged me and said it'll be okay though Luke because I'll always be beside you and protect you from everything I can, and I fell harder for you; So don't you dare say if I don't love you because I do love you" I finish speaking and he says "I'm happy to hear that" I look up as he leans down and we kiss.
   A cheer goes through the crowd, Nashi and Storm are the first to congratulate us saying it's been a long time coming. Rosemary comes and says she always wanted me to be her other big brother. Rin,Sylvia, and Nova come next saying "it was so obvious, congratulations" and Nova says "Now we got to get your sister and Storm together" they hug us and move so Gale and Luna can speak with us "I'm sorry for punching you in..." Gale doesn't finish, Reiki punched him the face and says "Now I think you and Luke's pretty even about punching each other, but touch him again and Luna might not have a boyfriend. I'm sorry for threatening him Luna I assure you there will be no problems from me as long as he doesn't touch Luke again." "it's cool Fernandez, we might be brother in-laws if everything goes well in the future" Gale says with a smirk.
    "I always wanted an older brother but I got stuck with a younger brother" Luna says. "by two minutes" I tell her. "Anyway, take good care of him, and don't worry I completely understand, Gale won't touch him because then I'd have to fight you and I may be strong but I'm not as strong as you." Luna finishes and kisses us both on the cheek, Gale shakes our hands and they leave. Aunt Erza and Uncle Jellal are the next to come speak with us, I've only ever been this nervous once and that was when Reiki said he was coming with me. "I want to say congratulations on your recent discovery, I always hoped Reiki would look in front of him for love" Uncle Jellal says.     
  "Congratulations my sons, I hope you don't mind Luke" Aunt Erza says. "No of course not" I tell her. "thank you both of you" Reiki tells them. "we were hoping you could join us for dinner tomorrow" Uncle Jellal asks. "I would love to" I say. "we'll be there father" Reiki says. Uncle Jellal and Aunt Erza says "see you then" and they leave. "Let's head home it'll be dark soon" I tell Reiki and we leave, walking home hand in hand.

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