Chapter 6

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(Nashi pov)
"Storm are you okay?" I ask when we're out of earshot. "I'm okay are you?" he says. "Quit avoiding the question" I declare. "I'm fine, I'm not hurt" he answers. I stop walking and turn and lay my head on his chest "Storm have you talked to your parents?" I ask him. "Yeah,dad and I had an argument. But I don't care what they say I'm staying with you regardless I love you and i'm not going to let you face your nightmares alone." he tells me.
"Do you love me only because of what Yamio said?" I ask him. "No, I fell in love with you when we were kids, actually aunt Mira was the one who told me" he said. I wait to see if he's going to say anymore, he does. "I used to watch you all the time and pick fights with you so I could be close to you, and that's when aunt Mira recognized the love I had,still have, for you. Then one day she called me over to the bar to give me a milkshake, and she said you like her a lot don't you I blushed and nodded my head, she smiled and said she likes you,she's just as dense as Uncle Natsu is so you have to do the things she likes. so I did and do,well I hope anyway" he finishes. I don't know what to say so I let my instincts take over and I lean in for a kiss hoping he gets the idea, I feel his lips press against mine. We break the kiss to breath and I lean my forehead against his and say "Is that why Nova would always yell and say you had something to tell me and you would say no toaster oven and start a fight." he laughs "not my finest moments." I laugh. "I really love you" he says still holding me in his arms our foreheads pressed together.
"I love you too" I tell him. "may I take you out on a date?" he asks. "of course" I tell him. He unwraps his arms from around me and holds out his hand for me to take. I take it and we walk to the ice cream shop, he orders for both of us a swirl cone of chocolate and vanilla. He takes my hand and we walk to the park eating our ice creams, the moon shining bright. We run into Luna and Gale. "So we both decided on an ice cream date" Storm says nodding towards the half eaten ice cream cones in our hands. Gale nods and says "I need to talk to storm for a minute" Storm nods and follows Gale. "Nashi I'm so,so sorry about earlier" Luna starts but I cut her off and hug her, while I hug her I tell her "it's not your fault it's mine I left you when you needed me, thankfully Gale was here for you" I pull back from the hug and say "now how does your magic work?" "it works based on my emotions and what position I'm in, well that's what we think anyway" she tells me. We hear the trees rustle and outcomes Storm and Gale who both look horrible. Storm has a busted lip and a red looking eye so does Gale and it looks like his eyebrow piercing is just barely hanging there. I walk over to them a slap them in the back of the head and ask them "what the heck do you two think you're doing?" a giggle interrupts us. Gale looks shocked "why do you have that look on your face?" Storm asks him. "That's the first time she's giggled since the last mission we all took." she hasn't giggled since before mama and papa died. I smirk,happy my baby sister giggled, I look over at Storm and Gale and they're smirking too. Gale walks over to Luna and offers his hand and says "come on madam giggles you remember the promise to Luke and Reiki." and they head the way home. "shall we go and look at the stars my lady?" Storm asks as he offers me his hand to hold. We walk for about ten minutes when we reach the hill that overlooks Magnolia, when Storms communication lacrima, that he stole back from the twins, rings. "I'm sorry my lady" Storm apologizes. "it's okay Storm answer it, it might be important" I tell him. He walks a little ways down the path and answers his lacrima I hear him say "hello" but that's all I get until he's running down the path and picks me up and spins me around. "I can stay" he rushes out. "wait what?" I ask him. He sets me down and leans his forehead against mine and says "they said I could stay". "I'm so happy" I say and we lean in to kiss when his lacrima goes off again. He looks at the number but it's unlisted so he answers it but puts it on speaker.
"hello" he says. "we've got Luna,Luke, Rin, and Sylvia. If you want them come alone but bring the other two of the prophecy, more information will be sent so answer this line. Oh and before we forget have fun with four dead bodies" the voice laughs and hangs up.Storm turns white so I know it's serious,I flare a little of my magic so it warms up,and he knows I'm here he looks at me and we take off running to our house. On the path to the house we run into an unconscious and injured Gale.
"Storm I'll run ahead to see about Reiki, call Wendy and Romeo" I say. I run to the house and the doors open and there's Reiki unconscious. Thankfully there's a pulse. I find the home lacrima and call the guild Aunt Mira answers "Aunt Mira where's Nova?" I rush out in one breath. "Dear you're going to need to slow down and take a breath" she tells me. I breath in and speak slower than before "Aunt Mira where's Nova?"
"she went on a double date with Rin and Sylvia, I think Sylvia and Nova were saying Akatsuki was coming from Sabertooth for the date." Aunt Mira tells me. "Shit" I cuss. "Aunt Mira can you call Rogue and Sting we're going to need their dragon slayer senses, can you have Laxus and Uncle Gajeel start looking?" I ask.
"Nashi dear what's going on?" Aunt Mira asks. "I'll tell you when we get to the guild, I'll have the right words by then." I tell her. "Okay dear" Aunt Mira says and hangs up. "Romeo carry him to the infirmary, and be gentle" I hear Wendy say from the door.
"What's wrong with Gale?" I ask as he groans in pain. "I'm sorry" Romeo apologies. "He has a concussion, a few broke ribs, and a broken arm" Wendy Informs me. "Nashiii?!?!?" I hear. "Is that you Happy?" I ask the darkness outside. "It is you" I hear the blue cat say as he slams into me. "I missed you too Happy" I tell him. While the exchange between Happy and I happens, Wendy is telling Storm to be careful and carry Reiki really slowly. "What's wrong with Reiki?" I ask. "Same as Gale but he has a broken leg too" she tells me. The trip takes double the time, thankfully the doors was open. Romeo comes and takes Reiki from Storm and with Wendy behind him as they walk into the infirmary. Aunt Mira comes over to me and says "I called Rogue and Sting, we found Akatsuki with Nova they were both pretty beat up when we found them they're in the infirmary now." "Thank mavis, and thank you for calling them" I say. Aunt Mira says nothing and hugs me,saying more then enough, and she goes back to look after Nova.

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