Chapter 12

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Reiki pov

"Storm, if what happened happens again I want you to leave and find away out before I can hurt either of you again; I want you to leave me" I tell Storm as we walk through the market collecting most of what we need. "Like hell I'll leave you in that literal hell" Storm tells me. "Why? I've got the power to do more damage then when I was 14" I tell him as we dodge the stragglers from the late day shopping. "Dude, your my brother, you've saved my life countless times and there's still more to come, scars are reminders that we lived yeah? So don't worry about it, it'll take more then a few scars to make me leave you" he tells me. "Why? I hurt you and Nashi" I ask him. "why? I tell you why, do you remember what your mom told us about my dad and Natsu?" he asks me.

"Something about how they hated each other?" I ask a little confused. "No, well kinda but it was that stupid rivalry thing, they were brothers and on there first S-rank mission, Natsu and Lucy stole from the board. She said dad was willing to die but Natsu stopped him and again he was willing to die and Natsu stopped him; That's why man I'm not leaving you, you're my brother in all but blood and soon brother in law" he says and smirks. I'm blushing and he starts laughing and says "come on man let's grab the rest of what we need" we continue walking and collecting what we need.

Nashi pov
I wake up in my bed tucked in, comfortable, and a glass of water by the bed. I sit up and reach for the glass and chug it when a noise catches my ear. The chair creaks and I hear "glad to see your up" Yamio says. "Why is my face weird?" I ask, "what answer doesn't get me burnt to a crisp?" Yamio asks, the smile evident in his voice. "haha very funny" I say with sarcasm dripping from my lips. "Nashi, you started crying" he tells me, "what?" I say. "You did" he tells me, I don't believe him as I try to untangle myself from the blankets and he moves over to help

  "I can do this myself Yamio"  I tell him but it doesn't stop him from helping. "I miss them, mama and papa" I say as I give up and let him help as a tear roll down my cheek. He brushes the tear away. "it's okay Nashi to miss people, I missed you and Storm when you left" he tells me. "No, there's no point if your going to see them again" I tell him. "Exactly Nashi you'll see them again one day and they're going to be so proud of you" Yamio tells me. 

   "The only time a person truly dies is when you forget about them" he tells me. I sit there in the edge of my bed locked in my own head when we here the front the door open I stay where I am as Yamio goes to see who it is. I don't know how long I sit and stay in my head when and thumb is rubbing my knuckle.
"Nashi" I hear Storm say. I turn to him slightly the pain must be evident in my eyes. "I'm here Nashi please come out of your pretty head" he says. Thats all it takes for me to start sobbing. I bury my head in his chest as he starts whispering in my head telling me "I know I'm here". "Storm don't ever leave me" I tell him, "never love" he tells me as I start to calm down. "we've got everything ready to go tomorrow, it's best if we rest" he tells me, I nod and I start to drift off to sleep again.

  Storm pov

I lay Nashi back under the covers and tuck her in giving her the pillow beside her to cuddle with untill I come back. I walk into the kitchen where Yamio and Reiki are talking. "How is she Storm?" Yamio asks, "Shes okay, she's asleep now" I tell him. "Storm" Yamio starts "I don't have a good feeling about this", "Neither do I" I tell him as I glance towards Reiki he's pale "Dude, what's wrong?" I ask , "Somethings wrong with Luke, I can feel it" Reiki says. "What does it feel like?" Yamio askes his voice dealthy calm. "He's in pain all over but there's something like he's fighting in his head" Reiki says. "It's started then" Yamio says as he gets up from the table "Storm follow me Nashi is next, and you three need to leave as soon as possible" Yamio finishes. "I'll get the stuff" Reiki says as he gets up and steps away from the table.

   "Storm!" I hear from Nashis room and I take off running. "Nashi are you okay?" I ask as I burst into her room fresh tears streaming down her face. "Luke is fighting by himself in his mind, Luna, Rin, and Sylvia are trying to fight the darkness back and the only one who can is Luke we need to hurry"  she says as she gets up and starts grabbing clothes and shoving them in a bag. "ahh" Nashi says as she doubles over in pain. "it's started for Nashi" Yamio says from the door way. "Nashi you've got to fight the pain for now, you've got a little of your moms magic still right?" I ask her. "Yes" she says gritting her teeth. "Are you ready?" Reiki asks, "Let's go" Nashi says stumbling a little but straightens up. "I got your tickets and I'll go wait at the guild for your return" Yamio says quietly. "Yamio, if  we aren't back in a week or Rin,Syliva,and Luna isn't back come and get us we should have them safe but we're probably to injured to keep going" I tell him and he nods. "Kids come here" he says and holds his arms out for a group hug when he let's go were at the train station.  "Good luck and stay as safe as you can" Yamio says, "promise" we say. We board the late night train going to the north as he waves goodbye to us. "Nashi sleep if you can but we're going to have to wake you up okay" I say and all she does is nod.

'We're coming guys hang on' I think to myself as Nashi settles her head on my lap as I look out the window and out of the corner of my eye I see Reiki clinching his fists and shaking his leg.

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