Chapter 10

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References to underage drinking, drinking away the pain and drinking to feel the warmth of something other then loneliness.
Reiki pov
We follow Yamio out of the guild, and fall into place and just hug him. We know the story it's hard on him, we grew to be his support system, he's like a big brother or maybe for Nashi a father figure.

"Yamio, come with us" I hear Storms voice from the other side of him, and I see Nashi taking his hand a leading him towards the direction of the woods with Storm, I follow feeling the coolness of the morning on me. We walk five minuets and then we head to the place we use to play at as kids, now we party here, and sometimes we came here,when we just want to be with each other and not with the entire guild; if I'm correct we still have a couple barrels here from when we skipped the funeral. Nashi pulls out the chairs from there spots and sets them around the fire pit, and then lights the fire. Storm rolls out a barrel and walks back into the shack to grab some mugs.

I sit down and pull Yamio into the seat next to me as Storm places a mug of alcohol in his hands, Storms repeats the steps and does the same for all of us and then he takes his seat. "Storm, you remember this was were we had our first just about everything?" Nashi asks him. "of course Love" he tells her and leans over to kiss her. I let a soft smile slip on to my face. I finish my first mug and so did everyone else I collect their mugs and refill them, I then hand them back out. "Storm, can you get the cards?" I ask, a smirk makes its way to storms face. "Of course dude help me grab the table?" he says and we go and get the table and I set it up as he gets the cards.

"we put Nashi in front if the fire for obvious reasons" I tell Yamio and he takes his seat and sets it across from Nashi, I smirk he has no idea what he's done. Nashi is a card shark she will win no matter what. "so Kings right Storm?" I ask with a smirk on my voice. "of course dude" he responds. We circle the cards into the center of the table and begin.

Nashi goes first and pulls out an ace meaning everyone drinks until the person beside them stops. She smirks and starts chugging. Storm does it to and finally all of us do it, she finally ends up drinking the entire thing and asking Storm since he's the designated booze getter to get her more which basically ends up with all of us getting more.

It's Storms turn and he pulls a 10 for categaories. The category is favorite activities. Yamio goes first saying "Drinking" I'm next I say "being with Luke" nashi says "cuddling with Storm" and Storm says "holding Nashi". I take a big gulp ignoring the burn and Yamio does the same. Yamio goes next and pulls a king,a rule card,he does the basic rule for it "can't say drink,drank, or drunk" we if course all screw up and get more wasted when Storms lacrima rings he picks it up, "hello" he slurs slightly.

"Storm are you drunk?!?!" Mom asks. "shit" went around the table. "no Ma'am I am not intoxicated" 'nice save man' I think but we take a swig casue mom said drunk. "where are you guys?" she asks.
"we're at home, why?" Storm tells her. "Dont make me send Gajeel, Jellal, and Laxus out to look for you guys" she threatens. "I'm not lieing, Reiki aren't we at home?" Storm asks "yeah we're at home" I tell her. "funny, I'm here and I don't see either of you four, so would you like to tell me where you four are?" she says. Storm in his intoxicated mind thinks it's funny as soon as he hangs up on her. "Nashi put the flames out, Storm give me the lacrima, Yamio you got that scent blocker magic still right?" I ask. "Yep, here you all go I don't need it casue I'm an adult" he says. "Are you sure? I mean you were laughing with Storm not long ago" Nashi says grinning. "shut up" he says.

Storm and I finish putting everything away and then the best idea of the night comes to us we should play tag. "tag" I shout as I touch Nashi and take off running all I hear is the screech of "Reiki!" and Yamio and Storm laughing as they run, forgotten is the fear of getting caught drinking, forgotten is the worry and stress of saving the world.We run through the woods tagging each other and then we make it to town still tagging each other running through the crowds of people during their late day shopping.

When we're all caught by the collars of our shirts except Nashi, she's in a bear hug. "So Reiki, have fun with your friends?" dad asks. I look over and see that Aunt Mira has Nashi, Gajeel has Storm, and Laxus has Yamio and they start dragging us to the guild no doubt to be lectured. But then Storms lacrima rings and Gajeel let's him go to answer. Nashi, Storm,Yamio,and I become hyperaware of each other,and the fact he didn't give me the lacrima 'I must be really drunk' I think to myself. "Hello, Storm, Nashi, Reiki, and Yamio. I'm Sure you all are wondering who I am besides Yamio of course you could say we've got history. I wanted to let you know this is Haruki and my people have the ones you're looking for they said they'd send more information, well this is what that is; to the place where it all began, they lay in tact physically yes mentally who knows, but beware. You won't come out unscathed. Wounds heal but do they mental? Firsts come and go but what's the first place you went with out holding on to the coattails of others? My people will be coming and remember Storm only you, Reiki and Nashi may come,so stay at home Yamio." she starts laughing as she hangs up.

"we need to talk but there could be prying eyes and ears so to the guild we go" Nashi says and she gets away from Aunt Mira and takes off running as do we leaving only one thought in Aunt Mira, Dad,Laxus, and Gajeels mind 'when did they get so fast and strong?'

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