How You Met / Preference

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Екатерина Петровна Замолодчикова (Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova)
  When you both met, you and Katya were complete strangers. You barely knew about Drag Race, drag queens, or anything about drag. Such a shame, right?
You were with your best friend, Brian- or better known as Trixie. You both were really close when you were both in your high school days, but when she left, it was like you barely knew each other; until you saw her on T.V on a show called 'RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars'. When you did, you contacted her immediately and she, with no hesitation, told you to hang out with her and a friend. "Sure! I'm really happy that I'll get to see you again!"
You walked with Brian to an unfamiliar bar, you weren't that type of girl, and saw a really cute dude approaching you guys. He had dirty blonde hair, striking blue-gray eyes, pale skin, and a really bright smile that could blind someone. "Hey! You must be (Y/N)!" He grinned. You smiled, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." You stuck a hand out for him to shake but he immediately pulled you into a hug. "Trixie couldn't stop talking about you! She said that you were the best person a gay drag queen could ever be friends with!" He exclaimed. Brian rolled his eyes. "(Y/N) meet Other Brian." He jokingly whispers to me, "He's trying hard to be appreciated."
Other Brian wheezed, making you squeal with laughter. "But please call me Екатерина Петровна Замолодчикова." He insisted, winking at you.

Trixie Mattel
When you both met, Trixie was performing at your local bar. The place was literally loaded with drag queens, but she was the only one that caught your eye.
"Please give it up for, the legend, idol, star- Trixie Mattel!" The whole crowd went crazy wild, you shrugged and joined with the screaming. But when she finally steps out, in that beautiful pink dress that perfectly hugged her body, wearing jaw-dropping make-up and the prettiest blonde wig you've ever seen; it made you gasp, clapping really hard at the beauty in front of you. She started lip-syncing to the song 'Barbie Girl'. The song fit her perfectly. After the lip-sync, the library was open. That means that she gets to read anyone, and I mean anyone in the room. "To that lady over there," she points at you. You point at yourself, just to make sure, "Yes you! Beautiful girl." She grinned. "Yeah, seeing you here, brings back my gag-reflex." The whole crowd shrieks with laughter. You laugh along, slightly embarrassed but you loved her humor. "Come up here, slut!" She cackles, "What's your name?" She asks you when you finally walked up, a vodka soda on hand. "(Y/N)." You blushed when she holds your shoulders, "Well, little miss (Y/N), I think you're one of the straightest, whitest girls in this bar." You shook your head, "Nope. I don't think I'm any of those things." She squeals, "I knew you had a dick! Well, miss (Y/N), you just won yourself a date with me!" She announced to the mic.
In the end, it turns out that you didn't have a dick, but that didn't ruin your friendship, of course.

Manila Luzon
When you both met, Manila, or Karl was one of your friends during high school. You were the only one supporting him and his passion for art. You supported him when he came out to you and his family, rubbing his back when he burst into tears when he was ever made fun of and having his back every time someone hurt him in any way.
When he started doing drag, he dragged you into his work, asking for critiques and advice since you started working as a fashion designer and a graphic designer with him, and of course he couldn't critique himself, he needed an expert. You insisted that you'll help him, making his costumes together and lip-syncing with him on his gigs.
When he started dating Sahara, you were quite jealous, seeing him so happy with her. But every time he smiled, you smile too, and that made you happy; thinking that he still trusts you no matter what. It saddened you though when he joined RuPaul's Drag Race. You barely get to see him or be in contact with him, but your friendship grew with Sahara. You both shared memories with Manila and stories, it made your relationship grow stronger and you forgot all the jealousy when you realized that Sahara actually cared for him. When Sahara died, it broke your heart, hearing that one of your friends passed away and the other, losing hope. The news made you both get together again, you both comforted each other.

Bianca Del Rio
As we all know, Bianca was a comedy queen. No one knows where she got her wit and smart mouth. You were working as a bartender in a bar, where Bianca performs usually. Before Drag Race. She was known for her clown make up and that lovely, raspy voice. You immediately fell in love with her every time she walks in, you knew that she barely knew you existed but as long as she gets to stay here and perform, that's all you need.
When she finally got to know you, it was when you broke up with your boyfriend. He cheated on you and stole most of your well-earned money. You didn't show up to work for a week until you came back trying to cope up with everything. Little did you know, Bianca noticed your week long hiatus and walked over to the bar, where you were maybe or maybe not visibly sulking. "Hey." She calls out, you looked up, overwhelmed with joy and fear at the same time. "H-hi. Can I get you something, Miss Del Rio? Should I put it on your tab?" You rambled. She chuckled. "No, sweetie. I was wondering why you weren't present for the whole week? You are one of my best fans!" She grinned. You blushed. 'Me? Really? Nah.' You thought. "I-I don't think I'm important. I'm just a bartender." "A pretty one, that is." Bianca muttered, smiling. Was she flirting with you? "Anyway, doll. Tell me what's wrong. I know there's something wrong. I can feel it through my excessive amount of clown make-up." You giggled. "Well.." and thus, a friendship began.

Raja Gemini
You knew Sutan for a couple of months now when you were both working on America's Next Top Model. You were also a make-up artist for some of the girls when Sutan couldn't be there or couldn't do all of their make-ups at once. You hate to admit it, or maybe love, but you found Sutan incredibly hot. He first talked to you when he saw you doing make-up on yourself. "Wow. That's fierce work, hunny." He commented, smirking at your art. "Thanks, Sutan, right?" You smiled, looking at him through the mirror as you were starting on contour. "Mhm. And you are (Y/N), correct?" You grinned, nodding. "Your make up skills are sickening." He sighed, watching you blending the colors on your face all together. "Thanks, I could say the same to you. You paint so beautifully, for a guy." "Well, I'm a drag queen, baby." He laughed.

Meeting Raven was pretty intimidating. It was pretty and intimidating. When you first met, she thought that you were just some annoying straight girl who was just coming to her gigs because it was your birthday. But no, she immediately fell in love with you when you started giving out huge tips. Yeah, she was a user at first since your tips were so generous, she'd give you a more exciting show as you kept on throwing 10's, 20's, and even 50's. But when she finally got to know you, she genuinely fell in love. You weren't some kid wasting her money on some guy in a wig, you told her that you loved her shows and that her shows were the ones that kept you from killing your self. She hugged you, tightly. I don't think she's even the type to show this, but she cried when you told her about your story. How your family kicked you out of the house when you were 18 because you were part of the community. You told her that her seasons kept you happy and alive, being a faux queen yourself and being very successful. She thanked you and immediately became very close with you.

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