Jealous / Katya

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Katya was a really, really, really clingy partner— let alone, person. She cannot stand being without you and her jealousy barely surprises you. But you hate to admit it, she's cute when she's jealous.

This is a very serious-ish problem though. When you and Trixie started to become close, the flirt-fest would never end. Yes, you love Trixie as a friend and Trixie feels the same way too. You both have this sexual yet platonic relationship that Katya seems to hate.

"Hey, Tracy. Looking sexy there. I would totally ride you in that catsuit." You wink at Trixie who poses for you. "Why thank you, it's like just from Zalora. Like it had a flash sale so I had to buy it, you know." She says in her valley-girl accent. You both laugh, forgetting that Katya was even there, pretending to check something on her phone but deep inside she's fuming with jealousy. But she's just controlling it. It wasn't a big deal. Right?

The other day, on the shooting of UNHhh, Trixie was making lewd gestures at you while Katya was trying to explain the difference of having a rash and having a herpes sore. Katya notices this, seeing you giggle as Trixie was winking at you and licking her lips in a joking manner. "Excuse you?" Katya glared at Trixie. There was a pregnant pause, but you and Trixie thought it was a joke and burst out laughing while Katya was there feigning a laugh too. She's trying her best to not crack.

This time, Brian finally raged. You, him, and Trixie were in a café. Brian was visibly upset and no matter how much you ask if he's okay, he'd just scoff and nod making you worried. Trixie got up to order, winking at you. "Your order, m'lady?" He asks. "Caramel macchiato with soy milk, two pumps of almond extract, some coconut sugar, and a sprinkle of yo' momma's chest hair dandruff." You said in a valley-girl accent but quickly changed into a deep ghetto voice in the end. You look at Brian, expecting a laugh from him or at least a reaction. He wasn't even looking at you. Wow. Trixie on the other hand, screeched in laughter. "A caramel frappe it is. And you, Kat?" Brian shrugged in response, barely looking at you two. Trixie gave you a 'the fuck is up with her?' look. You rolled your eyes and shrugged. "An espresso with a side of attitude coming right up." Trixie joked, making you laugh.

While Trixie was waiting in line, you turned to Brian who was looking at his painted nails and picking at them. "Kat, what's the problem? You seem upset." You put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, now you noticed, huh?" Brian snapped, shrugging your hand away from jis shoulder. "Brian, what is up with you?" You furrowed your brows, clearly annoyed. This was not helping at all.

"Nothing." He spat, glaring at you and going back to his acrylics. Trixie came back with a receipt and a buzzer in hand. "What creature crawled up your ass and died inside?" Trixie snapped at Brian, obviously hearing the small argument you both had earlier. "You don't get to have a say in this." Brian pointed a finger at her with fuming eyes. You never saw him like this before and it's scaring you. You frown, "Bri, can't we just talk?" He sighed in response, standing up and going outside.

"It's okay. Go after him." Trixie smiled, adjusting his baseball cap. You nod, walking out to catch up on Brian. You looked around to find him and saw him leaning against the wall, cigarette in hand and in the verge of tears.

"Brian... can we talk?" You approached her. Brian glared at you but let you come near him. "What did I do wrong, Bri?" You held his hand. "Haven't you noticed? You obviously don't care for me anymore." He chuckled sadly, her voice getting shaky.

"What are you talking about? I do care for you. That's why I want to know what's going on so I could help." You furrowed your brows with confusion. He choked on his words. "Don't you remember how I hate being left out? I know I may seem a little over dramatic but, (Y/N), I love you. I just think you love Trix more." He sobs, sniffling.

This made you chuckle, "Oh, baby." You cooed, wrapping your arms around him. "Why would you even think ofnthat?" Brian cried even more. "You seemed to like him more than me."

You smiled in awe, "Aw, baby." You kissed his head, kissing his cheek next and then his lips. He sniffles in the kiss. You pulled away, "You're such a dork, I would never replace you. This pussy's reserved for you and you only." You pay your lower abdomen. "I love you, Bri." He sobs even more, hugging you tightly. "I love you, (Y/N). I'm so sorry."

"No baby, I'm sorry. I should've thought first. I love you so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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