( 3 ) Alaska / I'm Here For You

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Imagine: You getting hurt during one of Alaska's gigs and her taking care of you.

You were annoyed. So annoyed. You knew that clubs are full of drunk, loud, horny people that are just there to have fun, but you weren't enjoying it one bit.

Alaska invited you to go to her gig in your city. As a good partner, you said yes. You weren't really fond of clubs or anything that involves dancing and getting beer spilled all over you, but you did this for your Alaska and only your presence makes her happy-- and maybe money but that's not the point.

You both sat on your living room's couch, Alaska whining and you pleading to God to stop her cries. "Please, (Y/N)," she says, purring your name. "You haven't really been to any of my shows, and I waaant to seee youuu..." She moans. You groaned, "You know that I'm not that type of person, 'Lask. I hate parties." She rolls her eyes, throwing her head back. "But it's nooot even a partyyy. It's a cluubbb.." "That's even worse!" You exclaim, crossing your arms. She pouts, leaning onto you, her puppy eyes breaking your facade. "Fine."

She cheers, "Yes!" And hugged you tightly. "Oh, I love youuu."

A few hours passed; you already did your make up, picked an outfit and curled your hair. "This doesn't look bad." You pursed your lips and nodded at yourself in the mirror. "Looking good, (Y/N)." You say to yourself, winking and clicking your tongue.

You called a cab and told him the club's name, paying him and thanked him.

Finally entering the club and showing the guard your V.I.P pass, your stomach immediately churned and suddenly a wave of nausea hit you. Fuck. I totally regret this. You walk to a table, trying not to touch any of the people there but failing anyway. You finally reached the stool and sighed in relief. You looked around and saw people wearing neon lights all over their bodies, wearing costumes and even one guy wearing a horse mask screaming Alaska's name.

The emcee finally called out Alaska, and she looked gorgeous. Wearing a dark blue glittered catsuit, her signature platinum blonde wig, and her make up always on point. She sees you in the front and blew a kiss at you. You blushed, people beside you noticing. They reacted both positively and negatively but you paid no attention to them.

Alaska started lip-syncing to a very familiar song: Read U Wrote U. You cheered as the song started, yelling out the lyrics with the crowd. She was walking around fabulously, taking tips from her fans and even random drunk people. A girl beside you noticed Alaska giving you more attention and gave you a bitchy look.

You roll your eyes at her as Alaska catwalks in front of you on the stage, she bends down as you place the tip between her teeth. She smirks at you and winked before walking to another set of fans.

"Umm, bitch? You think Alaska likes you? You're like literally nothing to her." The chick called out through the booming music. You gave her a stare, "Sorry I don't know you, and I don't think she knows you either. So, uh, go ruin someone else's night, please." You tell her, not wanting to be sassy but this bitch deserved it.

She laughs with her mouth agape. "Uh, you're like literally saying bullshit. You're, like, the one ruining OUR night." You roll your eyes at her, "Just go and fuck off, you white ass bitch."

She gasped, glaring daggers at you. "Oh you are so gonna regret saying that." And throws her cocktail at you, drenching your face and your clothes. The crowd saw what happened and cheered at you both, completely taking their attention to you.

She starts beating your face and tugging on your hair as you tried pushing her away, screaming.

Alaska sees the riot and forces them to stop the music. "Hey! What the fuck!" She yells, running off stage to pull you both off. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Alaska yells at the girl who looked like she was about to shit her pants. Alaska pushed her off you, turning to you with tears in her eyes. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry." She pulls you into her chest as you sobbed.

She told the manager to cut her show off and took you to her dressing room. She cried, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I'm fucking dumb. Fucking piece of shit." She rants, her face in her hands. You went quiet, looking down at the dark grey floor.

She lifts up your chin with her hand, her bottom lip trembling. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I-I-" she sobbed, seeing your beat up face and messy hair.

You both went back to your apartment, her rushing to grab ice for your face and a wet cloth. "I shouldn't have forced you into this, (Y/N). I hate myself." She muttered, wiping away the blood and vodka from your lip and cheek. You look up at her weakly, "Don't blame yourself, 'Lask. You didn't do anything wrong." You were honestly surprised that she could actually take care of you. You didn't know that she could.

She fixed you up, fixing your frizzed up hair and pulled you into her chest as you listened to her heartbeat. You felt your eyes dropping as Alaska stroked your hair, kissing the top of your head softly.

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