Chapter Seven

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Gilinsky's POV
I know Nash likes Gabby I can tell by the way he looks at her. I screwed everything up with Gabby. I said that Madison was my priority when in reality it's Gabby. Always has and always will. I heard Garrett 'cheated' on her. They weren't officially together but they were there and he only wanted her for sex when she wanted a relationship. She deserves the best and I know I'm not the best for her. I fucked up and I don't know what to do.
It's Saturday and I'm bored as fuck. I heard the door close and I look out the window. I see her go for her run and to be honest I miss her so much. It's been about two weeks and I know she won't budge. She's pigheaded and it's hard enough with Madison on my ass about Gabby. It's always 'I want this' 'I hate Gabby' 'let's have some fun' and I'm always like no. I mean Madison is kind of irritating right now.

I hear the door shut quietly and I walk out of my room. I see Gabby eating fruit loops. I swear Johnson and her are obsessed with that cereal. I decide go up behind her and scare her.

"BOO!" I yell into her ear and she jumps ten feet in the air. I start to laugh while she's trying to breathe properly.

"What the fuck Gilinsky! Why would you do that?!" She is calming down and she playfully glares at me until she remembers she's actually mad at me.

"Gabby I'm sorry for hurting you. You are a perfect girl and anyone would love to have you. God I fucked up our friendship and I'm just so sorry." I look her dead in the eyes. Her eyes make me melt. I start to lean in and I kiss her. She hesitant but she kisses me back. I lift her onto the counter and I brush my tongue across her bottom lip. She opens up and my tongue explores her mouth. It's amazing. We eventually pull back for air.

"That is how sorry I am Gabby. I've been a dick. I've been in love with you since I was ten years old. Please tell me you love me too."

Gabby's POV
"That is how sorry I am Gabby. I've been a dick. I've been in love with you since I was ten years old. Please tell me you love me too." He looked at me with his big brown eyes and I knew I loved him. I love Jack Finnegan Gilinsky.

"I love you too. I've loved you since I was ten. Nobody has ever come close to you. You're perfect in every way even though you can be an asshole." I smile at him. I see him take his phone out and I frown. "What are you doing?"

"I'm breaking up with Madison. She was being annoying anyway. I'm in love with you not her. I want you to know that Gabby. It's always been you." My heart swells with warmth.

"I love you too."
Two months later
It's been about two months and Gilinsky hasn't asked me to be his officially. It's like he's playing mind games with me. Gilinsky has been in contact with Thoti- I mean Madison again. Nash and I are closer than before. Gilinsky gets mad when I talk to Nash but whenever he talks to Madison I can't get mad. Nash and I talk about this and Cameron says that maybe Gilinsky is on his period. Johnson has no fucking idea what's going on with G. It's like he's distancing himself from us again...well me at least. Shawn has tried talking to him but G won't budge. I feel like G got what he wanted and just decided to drop me.

I came home from work and I went to shop. I work as a waitress at Mi Pueblo. I go in and I see Katherine preparing ingredients for pizza.

"Hey Katherine! Where's Jack?" She looks startled but she points upstairs.

"Upstairs Gabby. But I would wai-" I go upstairs and I open G's door. I see Thotison laying on top of him while he cupped her face and kissed her passionately. I said the first thing that was on my mind.

"You fucking bitch." Gilinsky shoots up and sees me. He WAS my best friend but know he's dead to me. "I was so stupid to admit my feelings to you. I'm done with you Gilinsky." I slam the door and I grab my keys. I head straight to Nash's because I need him. He bought an apartment for him and the guys. Shawn has his own apartment because he said that he could afford it but I think it's because the guys are too messy for him to handle. Anyways just imagining G do that was hurtful but seeing him do was unforgivable, heart shattering. I can't deal with it.

I park my car and I knock on the door. Hayes, his little brother, answers. Hayes came in the picture like a month ago. He's so sweet but he really likes food.

"Oh my god Gabby are you okay?" He takes me hand and he leads me to the kitchen. "I'm gonna go get Nas-" He was interrupted by the one and only Nash Grier. He looks at my appearance and automatically clenches his jaw.

"What the hell did Gilinsky do?" I burst out crying and he cradles me. He soothes me and tells me it'll be okay. Once I calm down, I try to talk and it's surprises me that I can.

"I-I walked in on h-him k-kissing fucking M-Madison Beer!" I cry hard and then there's a knock on the door.

"HAYES GET THE DOOR." Hayes comes downstairs slowly and he ends up falling. I bust out laughing and Hayes finally gets to the door. He opens it and it reveals the guy who just broke my heart. Jack Gilinsky. Nash is still holding me and G notices it. He tenses up and walks over to me.

"Can we talk? Please." He's begging me to speak to him. I can't he broke my trust. Even though we weren't together, we kinda were.

"No but I'm going to forgive you but I don't trust you. I really really don't. I gave you my whole heart and you played with it G. Garrett didn't even hurt me this bad and he only wanted me for sex. I'm just done with this. I love you Gilinsky but I can't be with you. You should be with that sixteen year old Madison chick. Goodbye Jack."

I go to the kitchen and I hear Nash say, "I think you should G. I'll look after her for you." I go to the window to see G walking outside and I see Madison come out of his car. He hugs her and spins her around. I slide down against the wall and I call Shawn. I ask him if he can come over to sing me a song. His voice calms me down whenever I'm upset. I hear the doorbell ring and I open it. Shawn come in with his song book and guitar. I'm surprise to see his song book because he never lets me see it, touch it, or be in the same room as it. It's kind of ridiculous but that's Shawn for you.

"Which song? Look through it." He says as he hands me his second most prized possession.

I look through it and I'm amazed by it. All these songs god they're perfect. The song 'Never Be Alone' catches my eye. When you fall asleep tonight just remember we lay under the same stars.

"I want this song. Never be alone." He smiles and nods. It's an amazing song so of course he would. He wrote these himself.

I promised that one day I'll be around I'll keep you safe I'll keep you sound. Right now it's pretty crazy and I don't know how to stop but slow it down. And hey I know there are some thing we need to talk about and i can't stay so let me hold you for a little longer now. And take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so when we are apart you'll never be alone, never be alone, never be alone.

Once he finishes the song, he hugs me and Nash comes towards me. He picks me up and takes me to the couch. We fall asleep to Shawn strumming on his guitar.

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