Chapter Fifteen

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Ariel's POV
I'm heading towards the airport to get Cameron. He said that he was going to be a little late since they delayed the plane ride by a little bit. I turn my head towards Walmart and decide to get hot fries and blue Gatorade.

I go and get my necessities and I go to pay and I see a magazine on how Camila and Shawn are the ultimate couple. It's says that everyone has forgotten about Shariel and has moved on to Shawmila. I groan and I see these girls smiling and pointing at me. They have a magazine in their hands and I groan. Why ant the lord just be on my side today. I turn to see Shawn walking in through the store with Camila clinging on his arm. He's wearing a his maroon hoodie that I bought him. My breathe hitches as I see them share a kiss. I hear fans say my name and that gets his attention. I hand the cashier my items and they scan it quickly. I give them a hundred dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I say and run out of the door as fast as lightning. I hear a faint Ariel but I get into my car and I don't look back. I speed to the airport and I see Cameron. I run up to him and give him a hug. He spins me around and kisses my cheek.

"Hey close your eyes for a minute Dane." I scowl at him but close my eyes. "Okay open!" He practically screams in my ear and I look to see the Jacks, Gabby, Madison and Nash. I hug all of them except for Madison. She glares at me and I look at Cameron for help.

"Okay G clear this up as I go and get our luggage." He leaves me with G and Madison. I look at them and i want to go die.

"Okay so Ariel when me and you were together I was with Madison." I fume and I slap him. "Okay I saw that coming from a mile away." I scoff and turn towards Madison.

"I'm so Madison I had no idea and if I did I wouldn't had kissed G. Please forgive me." She looks at me and smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay Ariel you didn't know. And I hope that you figure out everything with Shawn and Cameron because I know that Cameron still loves you." I turn towards Gabby and she looks shocked.

"I hope we become friends Madison." She nods her head and then walks off. I glare at G and he smiles at me weakly. I saw a a guy carrying a guitar case and it's Shawn. What the living hell!

Fans are lining up to get his autograph and the some spotted me to get my autograph so I couldn't run away from them.

I forget about Shawn and the drama and just focus on my fans who are basically my family. My pen drops and rolls over to Shawn's guitar case. Oh for the love of g- you know what fuck that pen. I pull out a new one and start signing more.

"Hey Ariel can I get your number please!" I smile at her and I nod my head.

"You know my number is available on my social media." I say after writing my number on her arm. I smile at the Dane Nation.

"I love you all and please be careful. Bye my Dannerators! Oh and as a YouTuber always says...SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL PLEASE!" They say it with me and I'm pretty sure Shawn heard me. I turn around and I see something I wished I had never seen.

Nash kissing some other girl who I definitely know that's not Gabby.

"HAMILTON NASH GRIER!" I yell and he turns and sees me. "Okay you have fifteen seconds to explain to me before I kick your ass!" His eyes widen and he looks down at the ground. "Look you Nashty the ground isn't going to provide you any answers so look the fuck up." My language isn't the best but it sure does give me my answers.

"Okay so this is my girlfriend, Jaylee Brusher." I look into his blue eyes and sigh.

"You've fucked up Nash and I'm not going to help you. Tell Gabby the truth okay. Please don't be a douche. We don't need you to be a Shawn." I state clearly and walk over to the guys.

"So come on! We've got to get to my apartment so we can sleep all night!" I squeal and run to my car. Cameron runs after me and picks me up. He twirls me around and kisses my cheek.

"You're gorgeous Ariel. Now let's get going!" He exclaims and throws me over onto his shoulder. I smile and I see Shawn running out of the airport looking for me.

"Cam! Cam!" I yell and he looks. "Shawn's over there." Cameron covers me as Shawn comes over to him. Cam narrows his eyes at Shawn and I pray he wouldn't do anything.

"Hey Cam have you seen Ariel. She was here. I heard her new ending for her YouTube channel. I need to talk to her." I feel a tug at my heart but I stand still, trying to hide from him.

"Shawn I have no idea if Ariel's here. The Jacks, Nash, Gabby, and I are here to looks at houses." He replies coldly. Shawn doesn't seem to notice.

"Okay bye Cameron. Hey and congrats on the movie. I heard from your sister. She nice." He walks off and I didn't even notice I was holding my breath until he left.

It's crazy how one person can affect you. They drive you its and its not healthy. You'd just want something you just can't have.

Cameron just puts his hand on my lower back and I stare at him. I kiss his cheek and get in my car. I start it and help the guys put their shit in there. I smile at them and I see Cameron staring at me. I blush and look away.

Being in love with two people isn't fun.

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