Chapter Thirty Two

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Gabby's POV
"Hey guys!" I say to my Jacks and they come running towards me.

"Gabby I've missed you!" Johnson says and kisses me on the cheek. He lets go and goes to Jack's room. Nash is following him so it's just Gilinsky and I.

"I've missed you so much gabby." He kisses me and pulls me close to him. I pull away not because I didn't want to kiss him but because I needed to breathe. "Let's go across the street." But across the street is my fathers house.

"Um why do we want to go there." I ask him and he smiles at me.

"Your dad moved. He moved to Canada. He came knocking on our door yesterday after he said he talked to you in Cali. He said he didn't want you because you were a bitchy daughter. But Gabby you're free. Like really free." I smile and cry into his arms. Is this what they wanted to tell me? "No one is ever going to hurt you again." He whispers and starts to kiss my neck. I giggle and push him off.

"Is this the surprise you wanted to tell me?"

"Well yes and no. You, Jack, and I are moving to..........California!" I start laughing and jumping.

Finally life is perfect.
Two weeks later
"Guys we have a plane to catch!" I say as I run to the the car.

"Slow down Gabby! We have time. Like literally. Anyways aren't you going to help us with our things?" I wave them off and smile.

"Nope it's just clothes. You big strong men can do it yourselves." They glare at me while I laugh. They put the stuff in the car and we get everything we need. We already chose an apartment in L.A. we get to the airport and go through the procedure necessary for us to get on a plane. We board the plane and find out seats. I sit next to Johnson and Jack sits next a girl.

"So Gabby we need to talk." I look at Johnson weirdly and he just looks at me. "Gabby look what you and Jack do isn't healthy. It's fucking toxic. Gabby you need a guy that won't hurt you. That will be there for you for every step you take." I nod and I remember Jake. Jake was there for me and he didn't hurt me. We laughed so much more than I did with Jack. Maybe jake is the one for me.

"Okay JJ. I mean it's like I only have bad things going for me. It's either Jack and I get together and boom bad thing. Or Jack and I don't get together and boom bad thing. I hate it. I met this guy and his name is Jake. He visited Ariel at magcon. He and I have been talking and stuff. Maybe he's the one. You know what they say. Best friends should never date." I look out the window and study the scenery.


"Smack cam!" I hear and I feel a wet substance on my face. I open my eyes just to see Gilinsky give me a innocent face.

"What the fudge nuggets!" I say out loud and G smiles at me.

"You were out for a while and it's time to get off the plane." Standing up I wipe my face and put it on Jack's face. He groans and looks at me. I smile innocently and laugh.

"I love you." I say. He looks at me intensely and seriously I feel weird inside of myself.

"I love you too." He says as he gives me his panty dropping smile.

"Let's go G." I say and we board off the plane.

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