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Two years later
Gabby's POV
"Yo Johnson!" I yell and I see him run and he smacks into the wall.

"Yeah?" He groans and I look at him smiling. "You're scaring me Gabs." He states and I just keep smiling.

"You're coming with me somewhere, so get your ass ready." He leaves the room with a groan and Avelyn walks into my room.

"Is he okay?" She asks as she points in the direction he went.

"Yeah he's going with me to meet Gilinsky because you know Gilinsky hasn't visited me in like two years. I know I live in San Francisco but like he can visit me once in a while. Johnson and you come and visit me when I need company like today but you're coming too avelyn so go up and change!" I say in a playful manner and she crosses her arms like a child.

"But I don't want to see that asshole. He should've known that you and Jake were only temporary! You guys only lasted a year! He's done with Madison and come on he hurt one of my best friends!"

"Just go and change before we're late." I say to her and she goes up the stairs mumbling something along the lines of 'that asshole is going to get his ass kicked'. Oh how I love my best friends.

My phone starts to vibrate and I look down and I see Ariel's name pop up.

"Welcome to Sperm Banks of America. You cum we freeze." I say and I hear her die of laughter.

"So there I was barbecue sauce on my titties." She replies laughing. "Okay anyway what do you want to do when you get here. Look I'm sorry about what happened between you and Jake. Gabby why didn't you tell me?" I bit my lip, trying not to cry. I only told Johnson and he told Ariel. Avelyn assumes that we just broke up because it was mutual but it was far from mutual.

"I didn't want you to think that I was weak. I mean I was that strong girl who didn't take shit from anyone so when Jake started to hit me I was shocked. My father was verbally abusive so have someone hit me was just scary. I don't know why he started to hit me but i tried to go to Jack for help but he just wouldn't help me. And plus Jake made me think it was my fault." The line was silent for a minute and then I hear her breathe hard.

"Gabby it wasn't your fault you didn't know he was an asshole. He's a piece of shit. You are amazing and I'm glad you're getting through it." Smiling, I say thank you and I hang up. Okay it's time to see Gilinsky.
"Hey Gabby we're here." Johnson shakes me and I groan. I don't want to get up.

"Leave me here to die. Or leave me with Ariel I really don't care." I say and Johnson picks me up and takes me inside of their apartment. Avelyn is laughing and I flip her off, well more like in the direction that I think she is in. He gently sets me down when we get inside of the building and after giving him a glare, I follow them to their apartment. There's so many internet sensations here. Even though their at a young age it's nice to see that they get to do what they love. We enter the elevator and Avelyn presses floor 7 and I squeal. They both look at me weird I cough.

"What I love that number." They laugh at me and I huff.

The elevator finally reaches the floor and I'm the first one to get out of there. It was getting really cramped in there and plus I'm claustrophobic.

We FINALLY get to their apartment and Johnson takes his keys out. He glances back at me and opens the door. Avelyn steps in and I breathe in and out. I step in with Johnson behind me and I look around and it's a pretty apartment. It's decorated (maybe because of Avelyn) and it's feels homey in here. I see a figure sitting on the couch and he turns his head to see us. He makes eye contact with me and he jumps off of the couch.

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