Chapter Twenty Seven

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Shawn's POV
So here I am in front of the girl I gave my heart to. Every little memory we have shared together comes rushing back to me. From our first kiss to me leaving.

"Ariel." I say and she shakes her head.

"Shawn why are you here you have a show in Nashville in a couple of hours." She states and i shakes my head.

"They can wait. You're important." I take a few steps forward towards her and she takes some steps back. "I love you Ariel! I'm fucking in love with you! I can't sleep because you're the only thing running through my mind. I want to hold you and kiss you. Fuck! I want to make love to you until my name is the only name you'll be screaming for the rest of your life."

"You can't say that Shawn! Not when I'm in the process of healing! I love you so fucking much it hurts me! You. Have. Camila. Fucking. Cabello. You have a perfect life with your perfect girlfriend. Sha-" I cut her off by kissing her.

I have miss the sweet taste of her lips on mine. I could feel her tears in the kiss...or maybe it was mine but right now we're both crying. Both wondering how it got like this. Her arms wrap around my neck and I back her up against the wall. She kisses me back with intensity and passion that I don't want to pull back but I do.

"When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars." I say to her and she looks up at me.

"We have to talk Shawn." With that we head to her car and drive.
We drive out to a meadow and lay there. Seeing her broken and sad makes my heart hurt. It makes me see a side of her that I've never seen before.

"Shawn." I turn to her and I know it's time for us to figure this out.

Ariel's POV
"Shawn." I say and he turns to look at me. His brown beautiful eyes that's been my weakness since I've first met him meet my green eyes. "Why come back now? When things are going so good for me."

"I don't want to lose you but I think I've lost you to Cameron. Look Ariel I want to spend this night together. Where we can just lay down and forget about everything. Just let the world disappear while it's just us two."

I see what he's talking about.

"Okay." He smiles and kisses me and I kiss him back with no hesitation. It's just me and Shawn. No one else. He is the love of my life and I now know that. No one can compete with him. Not G. Not Brett. Not Cameron. No one can compete with this man.

"God you're perfect." He mumbles as his lips are pressed on mine.

We pull back and we get out of the car. We go and lay in the flowers. I hold his hands and play with his fingers. They're perfect.

"Shawn. You know after this night we can't do this anymore." He sighs but nods.

"Yeah I know. I'll be back to Camila and you'll be back to Cameron. Let's just keep watching the stars."

Shawn points at a star and smiles. He starts to point out the Big Dipper while giving me a history lesson.

"I don't want this to end." I say looking at the stars.

"Then let's keep driving. Let's just drive until we're satisfied with our destination." I smile and we run back to the car.

"So where to next?" I ask him and he looks over with a smirk.

Shawn's POV
After arriving at Malibu we stayed at my beach house. Ariel was out there admiring the shells and looking at the stars. It was already three in the morning and we were just talking about nothing. It was like the time in Magcon where we were just Ariel and Shawn. Just normal people.

"Ariel! Come on time to watch Big Time Rush!" I yell from the window and she runs inside the house. She jumps on the couch and plays the first episode.

"Logan is the best!" Ariel suddenly yells and I burst into laughter.

"Obviously it's Carlos!" I say defending my favorite character. She scoffs but laughs. God this woman is the best in the world. The last part of the theme song comes on and that makes Ariel go crazy.

"SO YOU GOT TO LIVE IT BIG TIME!" Ariel basically screamed. I laugh and we watch the first episode of the show. She starts crying seeing the fetus Big Time Rush. I laugh but comfort her. She looks up at me and holds my gaze. I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips. She kiss back at dangerously slow pace but at least she kisses me. We kiss for what feels like an eternity then I gently lay her down. My lips slowly travels down her to her jaw, neck, then collarbone. We take each others clothes off. My lips finds her's again and this time I kiss her desperately. I kiss her like I can't live without her. And that's because I can't live without her. She moans and that almost sends me to the edge but it doesn't.

"Shawn." I pull away and she gives me a smile. "I fucking love you."

I grab a rubber and I make love to her.
We cuddle with each other and play with each other's fingers. She looks at me like the first time we kissed. I only want her to look at me like that. Only me.

"So this is it?" I ask, not wanting to know the answer.

"I don't want it to be but it is." She answers tearing up. "I guess this night never happened." She whispers, like she was talking to herself.

"We can pretend it never happened but it did." She nods and crashes her lips onto mine.

"Well she's gotten more dominant ." I say to myself and chuckle.

We pull away from each other and we get ready to leave. We get everything and head to her car.

"We have to head back to that radio studio for my jeep." She nods and we head off to home.
We arrive at the studio and I get out. I braced myself for the goodbye because that's all we've ever known. She's been the best thing that has ever been mine.

"Well bye Dane. This is goodbye." I hug her and leave.

"Bye Mendes and yeah this is it." Her eyes have tears in them but she quickly wipes them away.

We split this time....

And this time it's for real.
Author's Note~
Okay so this chapter happened and when I wrote that last line dang my heart broke. Like it was ripped out of my chest.
Until next time✌💙🐼

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