Super Dimension: A Decimated Land

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The vortex opened on the other side, and I walk through without and complications. I step away, and look around. It looked the same as Zero Dimension, just a lot more destroyed since its reconstruction. "Not the best place, but I can feel a lot of Negative Energy flowing off the soil itself." I comment. "I'll have to be careful." I added, and continue my way through the desolate land. Walking around, I don't see anyone around. It was quite unnerving. I heard a twig crack beneath a foot, and sharply turn, pointing my sword. Nothing. Not yet, anyway. "You can stop hiding. I know you're here." I say, and right on cue, a group of children jump at me, wooden swords in hand. I transform into Thunder Heart, and swing, blowing them all away. One, a female with navy blue hair, stood her ground, and ran up to me. I move to the side, and she swings again, missing me. I move my leg, and get her off her feet, and she landed on her face. By now, all the kids were shaking. "Not the most warm of welcomes, but that's to be expected." I say, and change back. I turn my back, and the navy girl got back up. I turn around, and grab the weapon, tossing her away. "Geez. Calm down. I'm not doing anything." I said. She didn't seem to be listening, as she only gripped her sword, and swung again. I dodge her attacks by moving backwards. "Can't we just talk this out like normal humans?" I asked, but got no response, except. "As if you can call yourself that, demon!" She shouts, and continues to swing. "Demon? I'm not half the demon you think I am. Why, not even a tenth." I say. "Save it for when I throw you back to hell!" She screams, and transformed, taking on an HDD form. "What?!" I shouted, shocked at this display. She had platinum blonde hair, and wielded a large sword. Her suit was very similar to Neptune's and she also had pale yellow, almost white, wings on her back. "Someone's mad. Okay then. Playtime is over." I say, and transform myself. I decided to used Flame Heart, and  block her sword attack. Since it was so large, I had to reposition myself to take the attack better. Suddenly, out of the bushes, a pair of Lock Rings fly through the air, and hit the CPU girl. She didn't get swallowed completely, just immobilized. "Come out. No point hiding any more." I say, and turn around. Alice walked out, in her HDD form, Joker Heart. " found me. Hi, big brother." She waved. "I can see you too, Cyan Heart!" I called, and she flys out of the cover. "Hi~!" She said happily. "I said not to follow me!" I shout. "I know, but we missed.~" Alice teased. "That's not funny." I say, and change back. "What should we do with this little pest?" She asked. "Question her, obviously." I say. "First, what's your name?" I asked her. She didn't speak, only spit on my face through the rings. "Look kid! I'm trying to be nice to you, but now you're really starting to piss me off!" I shout at her. "She's only a child, Nanu. Let it be." Mecha said.  "What do you mean, 'Let it be'? I can't let her just spit on my face!" I shout. "He's right. It would ruin his reputation." Alice agreed. "I will ask again. What is your name?" I asked again. "My name is Emi. And I'm a CPU!" She said, and spit on me again. My flaming head seemed to move like fire, and the spit evaporated due to my raising anger. "Deep breath. In...out..." He breathed, and spoke again. "Okay. Why did you attack me?" I asked. "Because it was you who drove big sis Nina out to plan this stupid revenge, wasn't it? Wasn't it?!" She shouted. "Did I?" I wonder. "Yes! You did!" She screamed. "Look girl. I don't remember coming here. At all, I might add." I say. "Then you are a villain!" She said. "Stop saying that." I told her. "You said big sis Nina. Are you a CPU candidate?" I asked. "Yes, I am. Or was, until you destroyed our world." She said. "I don't have time for this. We're leaving." I say, and turn to leave, when the other kids blocked our path. "Move little kids. Or do you all have a death wish?" I asked. "Brother?" Alice looked at me as if I was acting strange. "What?" I asked her. "It's just...I've never heard you say something like that to little kids." She said. "Said what?" I asked again. "I-never mind." She said. Walking away, Emi was freed from the lock, and followed us. "It seems this place was destroyed, but this doesn't look like Kurome's work." I said. "How do you know?" Mecha asked, in normal form. "Well, Kurome likes to leave some buildings standing as trophies. But this whole place is just everything mowed to the ground." I said. "Yeah. You would know, you worked for her before." Alice said. "Not worked for. Worked with." I corrected. "I see what you mean. Nothing is left standing." Mecha agreed. "But it was you. I saw it." Emi said. "Why are you still here?" I asked. "I want to make sure you don't destroy it anymore." She said. "I won't, I won't. Geez." I groan, and continue to look around. I see a small building standing in front of the still standing Basilicom. I open the door, and smell a familiar smell. Male semen. "I already know what to expect down there." I say. "But it can't be possible. Grim's in Hyper Dimension." Alice said. "Perhaps a double?" Mecha wondered. "That would explain the smell. Well, this case isn't gonna solve itself." I say, and begin to descend the stair.

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