First Tower Boss: Jabberwock

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Once we reach the first tower, we see that it was like a dungeon inside. "It looks like the Golden Summit." I comment. "What's that?" Mecha and Alice asked. "Never mind. Anyway, let's get moving. We need to get back as soon as possible." I say, and start walking, with everyone else following behind me. The place was strange. Stranger than the actual Summit. But that didn't stop us. We got lost a few time, but Alice was making a map as we went along, tracking our progress. We reach the end, and see a large crystal chunk floating in the center a bottomless void. I step up, and soon the ground beneath us began shaking. "What's happening?!" Mecha asked. A large claw raised above the platform, and slammed down, attempting to smash us, but it missed. A large black dragon rose from below us, and roared loudly. "I thought this was too easy." I said, and transform into Flame Heart. Alice and Mecha went HDD too, and Cyan Heart cheered for herself. "Yahoo!! Cyan Heart is here!" She shouted. "Time for you to suffer!" Alice said, and gripped her scythe. I held my sword up and flew at the dragon, slashing at it and dealing an average chunk of damage. "Damn this thing is bulky. That normally kills everything in one hit." I say. "We're in for a fight." Alice said, as Grim ran away to hide.

The dragon, known as Jabberwock, was definitely a tough customer. Our normal attacks don't do jack shit, so we had to use some stronger skills. I fly next to Mecha and change to Holy Heart. "Hi. I'm Holy Heart. I believe this is the first time we met." I said, and healed her. "Cyan Heart. A.K.A. Mecha. Nice to meet ya." She said. Changing back to Flame Heart, I shoot fire from my sword, and stop it from attacking. "Is Holy Heart just a Healer?" Cyan Heart asked. "No. He can fight. He just isn't very strong in the strength stat. He's more of a magic attacker." I explain. "Oh. Okay." She nods. "*gasp!* Let's do a combo!" Cyan Heart suggested. I scratch the back of my head. "Well, okay. Let's do it." I said. Starting off, I fly over to the Jabberwock and slash at it repeatedly, dealing chunks of damage. Behind me, Mecha rips some cords on her guitar, dealing more damage. Changing to Thunder Heart next, and move across its body, slashing and cutting at it. Mecha appeared behind me, and slammed her guitar down attempting to hit it, but she hit me instead. "Watch where you're swinging!" I shout. "Sorry! Here!" She came up to me and kissed my lips. "I forgive you." I say, and change to Flame Heart again. "Sync with me!" I say, and she agreed. I shoot some flames at the Jabberwock, and Mecha ripped some more cords on her guitar. The sound waves amplified the power of the fire(somehow), and the the dragon went up in flames. With that out of the way, I fly over to the crystal and slam my sword against its surface, shattering it into tiny pieces. "Okay. Let's move to the second tower." I say, and we exit the current one we are in. The fight must've taken longer than I expected, because it was already dark out. "Geez. Never mind. We rest, then go to the next tower." I said, and we set up camp.

Later that night, I couldn't sleep very well, so I stepped out to get some fresh air. I look up at the sky, and was amazed that the stars still shone brightly. A twig snapped behind me, and I quickly turn to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Vert. "Lady Vert? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Nothing much. I saw you standing here and thought it would be fun to scare you a bit, but it seems you heard me coming." She said with a smile. "I haven't seen you since you resigned. What have you been up to?" I asked her. "Nothing much. Just watching over you and my nation. You really are doing a wonderful job at it." She said, and sat next to me. "You think? I'm just doing work, taking quests, and other things like that." I said, scratching my head. "And that's what a CPU is supposed to do. I wouldn't have it any other way." She said. "You flatter me." I laughed quietly. "So, what's your relationship with that smaller girl?" She asked about Mecha. "W-What?!" I asked, surprised that she even knew about that. "How-?" "I've been watching, remember? But, I think she could use more of a chest." She said. "I like it just the way it is." I said, crossing my arms. "To be honest, I don't really mind her body really. She has a great personality, and I find her adorable. I just wish that I could make her happier. I feel as if I'm not doing a good job at it." I sigh. "Hehe. Well, you are only a boy. Boys your age are in that confusing situation where they don't know what to do with themselves. But I'll tell you this, if she could her us, right now, I think she would be very happy." She said, glancing behind herself. "I don't know... I always feel like I'm letting her down in some way. To be honest, I'm not sure if we were even supposed to meet in the first place." I sigh. "Well, don't think like that. Otherwise, it'll make it seem like you're giving up on her. Here's my advice, from a Leanbox CPU to another. Don't let those feeling get you down. Stay true to her. And always be honest to her." She said, and pat my head. I smiled. "Thanks Vert. Sometimes, you know just what to say at the right times." I say, and stand up. Like before, Vert was out of sight. I walk back to my tent and crawl into the sleeping bag, getting some sleep for the next battle at the towers.

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