Return to Hyper Dimension

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After what happened in Lastation, I'm convinced Grim is doing something behind my back. I bust open his office door and aim my arrow at him. "Start talking, scumbag!" I shout at him. "*sigh* Fine. To start, my name is not Grim. It's Veto. And I've been working for the Lord my whole life." He started. "Who is 'The Lord' exactly?" I asked. "It's not the time for you to know yet. All you need to know is that I am necessary to your boyfriend's survival." He said, and came behind me, lowering my bow. "How so? How do I know that you're not lying to me?" I asked him, and he reached down and grabbed my left breast. "You don't. You just need to do as I say, and kill Nanu. Or know what happens to your man, and to you." He smiled behind his mask. "You disgust me...!" I growl. "Heh. If that's so, then why are you not fighting back?" He asked me. "S-Stop it..." I groaned as he continues to grope me. "Alright. I will." He said, and stepped away from me. "Just remember. You and your boyfriend are powerless against me. Now leave." Veto commanded, and I nod, leaving for the testing chamber. "I'm sorry this happened to you, Toshi. I swear, I'll make it right. By killing that demon Nanu. So me." I whisper to him, as if he can hear me. I feel a tear flow down my cheek, and place my hand over my heart, gripping it tightly through my clothes. "No..." I said and shook my head. "I can't let anyone see me like this. I have to be strong. For you." I said and wipe my tear away. I grab my Fujin Yumi and walk out to attack Leanbox. It's about time he and I face off, once and for all.

Kyoki's Perspective

Nanu had returned not too long ago, so me, Shikowa, and big sis Uni are going to Leanbox to tell him what happened in Lastation. "Hey guys." He greets us. "Hey. Let's talk business." Big sis said as she approached. "What? Now? Okay." Nanu said, and walked with us, sitting at the table. "Kyoki was there fighting off the attacker. Can you tell us what happened?" Big sis Uni asked. I nodded, and started explaining.

After an hour of explaining, mostly because just talking about pissed me off and I had to take a break, I sigh, and fall to floor. "Kyo? Are you alright?" Azura asked me. I nod, and just lay there while the other two talk. "How about we head out and get a cup of tea? You look like you could use it." Azura suggested with a warm smile. "O-Okay." I agree. "Why am I getting so flustered!?! She's my friend. My best friend! I can't see her that way. Plus, there's no way she would like me... I'm just a sadistic freak." I thought to myself, and she helped me up off the ground.

We leave for the cup of tea at a nearby cafe, and we drink it and talk about things. Just small talk. The skies went dark soon, and as we exit, we see that Nina chick flying overhead. Just seeing her pissed me off, and I tried to breath. But my anger got the best of me, like it always does, and I transform and attack. She must have heard me coming, as she raised her bow defensively, and blocked me. "Lastation's CPU candidate? What a pest." She said, and took aim at me at close range. I jump back and avoid the attack, and extend my whip sword, smacking her body. She didn't seem to take that too well, as she aimed her bow at me and let loose five arrows. I fly upward to evade, but she hit me anyway by reading my movements. "Why are you so hellbent on helping that demon? I don't understand you." She said to me. "So what? You may see him as an evil demon, but I see him as..." I stop, and think of my response. Finally, after thinking it through, I spoke again. "As an older brother!" I shout. "..." Nina was silent, but soon began to giggle to herself. And then to full blown hysterics. "Hahaha!! Haha! Ha... That's rich. Him-the demon I want to kill so badly-has deceived a kid like you as your older brother. I don't think he knows what kindness is! How about you help me kill him? He doesn't care about you." She told me, and reached her hand out. "You're wrong!!" I heard Azura's HDD voice yell at her, and she spear pierces her side. She flew due to the recoil of the attack, and readied her bow. Before she could shoot, I slam my sword at her back, and send her to the ground. Citizens run in fear as Nina leaves a large crater in the streets. "More? How annoying." She complains, and fires off three arrows at both of us. This time she was serious, as we couldn't avoid them. They just followed and tried to hit us. "Azura!" I call to her, and she nods, flying towards me. I do the same, and once we were close enough, we fly up and make the arrows hit each other. Nina tried to ready more arrows, but was stopped when someone slammed their sword into her side. It was Nanu!

Nanu's perspective

It seems I made it just in time. "I'm not late to the party, am I?" I asked. "Just in time, actually." Kyoki said to me with what I think is a good smile. The two fly down to me, and we look at each other. Since they weren't saying anything, I raised my arms and flicked both of them on their foreheads. "Next time, let me handle this bitch. I wouldn't know what I would do if anything happened to you guys." I scold them lightly, and draw my rapier again. Nina stood back up, and aimed her bow at me. "I've found you!" She shouts, and fires some arrows at me. I wanted to block the attack, but didn't, and was sent flying. "Ugh... That hurts." I groan. "Are you okay?!" Azura asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." I say, and stand back up. Emi landed next to me. "You're late. You were supposed to block that attack and make it look cool!" I scold her. "Didn't feel like it." She said and turned her back and faced Nina. "Emi?! How cruel can you be, taking my sister hostage?!" Nina yelled at me. "I'm not his hostage. I'm here on my own free will. Please, stop this big sis! You're being deceived." Emi told her. She stayed silent, then spoke. "First that poor CPU candidate, then my own sister? Now I will definitely kill you!" She screamed at me, and readied her bow, manifesting a lot of arrows. "Now DIE!!"

To be continued

Nanu: No... NO!!
Me: I'm the writer. Deal with it.
Nanu: *inaudible grumbling*

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