Vs. Silver Heart Nina

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We fly by, trying to avoid Nina and her arrows, but they were homing us like flys on shit. It was annoying. And what's worse, she just kept firing off more, making it harder to avoid them. Kyoki tried to get her off balance using his sword as a whip, but she flew up and to avoid the attempt. She had her sights only on me. Tired of running, I turn around and slam my rapier against her bow. Her arrows followed, and once they were in range, and flew up, making them hit her instead of me. "Did I get her?" I asked myself. Once the smoke cleared, I saw that she was still in one piece. "What? Was that supposed to hurt?" She asked, and shot more. I block the attack, and lunge forward again, attacking her bow. She readied an arrow right there, and fired me away from her. Catching my balance, Kyoki went forward and kept her busy. "What's with that bow? I feel like I've seen it before, but I can't put my finger on it." I said. "It's called the Fujin Yumi. She had it since she could transform." Emi told me. "Fujin...Yumi... Ahh! That's right! In that other story in the Fire Emblem world." I say. Emi didn't seem to know what I was talking about. "What...?" She asked, and tilted her head to the side. "Never mind. Point is, it's powerful." I said. "Yeah. There's no way to break it, and it can even attack at close range." She said. "Okay. How do we beat her?" I asked. "An attack from behind might work. But that will require a lot of stealth. She has sharp senses. I should do it." Emi said. I nod. "Me, Azura, and Kyoki will distract her. Do your thing." I pat her shoulder, and fly up to attack Nina.

Emi's Perspective

I can't believe him! He can't just touch me like we're friends! Ugh! Whatever. I agreed to help him, so I guess I could let it slide. I grip my sword, and wait until big sis Nina to land on the ground. She hasn't noticed me yet, surprisingly. Finally, she lands, and Nanu slams his sword against the Fujin Yumi, keeping her in place. "I will not lose to you! I have to get...my revenge!" Big sis shouted at him. "You talk too much. Why are you so hellbent on my death, when I didn't even do it?" He asked her. "Just shut up with that! I know you did it! I saw you!" She screamed. "Just quiet down!" He shouts back, and I jump behind her. However, she saw me, and pushed Nanu away. I missed. Jumping behind us, she fires her arrows at us, and put more force into Nanu's, knocking him into a building. Big sis landed in front of me, and aimed her bow at my head.

Nina's perspective

I can't believe this. My own sister just tried to attack me. Oh well. If she sides with the enemy, I have to dispose of her. Aiming my next arrow at her, I pull the string back, and take aim. Before I could let it loose, that kid's sword slams into the ground, attempting to hit me, but I dodge and fire at him instead. "You're all so annoying." I grumble, and see the two candidates fly over to Emi. I can't believe she let them deceive her like that. I was about to attack again, but felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, and was shocked at who it was. "T-Toshi...?" I asked. It was him, but he looked different. "Hey Nina. It's been awhile." He said with a smile. I couldn't tell if it was a kind one, or a malicious one. He flew past me, and pointed his scimitar sword to Nanu. "It's you who holds the Infinity Crystal, right?" He asked. "Yeah. So what?" Nanu asked back. "I need that fragment you have. Actually, I need all of them. Hand them over." He demanded. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" He smart mouthed him. "Watch it! He's the CPU of Planeptune where I come from!" I shouted. "Then what does that make you?" He asked. "The CPU of Lowee! Silver Heart!" I replied. "And I am Dragonic Heart. And if you fail to cooperate, I will have to take it by force!!" Toshi shouted at him, and flew down, hitting Nanu into another building. Looking up, at the Basilicom, I see Veto standing and watching. I fly up to him, and speak. "What is the meaning of this, Veto?" I asked him. "Didn't you notice? Nanu never destroyed your dimension. I did. Just showing you a copy and pasted photo of Dark Heart was enough to get you to fight for us. Now, your boyfriend is fighting for us entirely." He said to me. "You...You what...?!" I shout, and fire an arrow at him, somehow, the arrow vanished, and appeared behind me, hitting my back. "You've made yourself worthwhile, but your work is now done. Die...!" His eye started to glow, and it felt as if the oxygen in my lungs were escaping me. My breathing became heavy, and my vision getting fuzzy. This was it. I'm gonna die, here without getting my revenge. "Get away from her!" I heard Emi shout, and slash Veto's chest. The air in my lungs returned, and I could see again. "E-Emi..." I mutter, and she turned her head. "Just rest. I can deal with him." She said, and turned to Veto. "Hmph. Toshiki, we're leaving." Veto said. "But I haven't killed enough, Boss." He complained. He had Nanu by the neck, and Kyoki and Azura under his feet. "Are you questioning me...?" Veto asked in an annoyed voice. "No, Boss. My apologies. I'm going." Toshi said, and dropped Nanu, flying next to Veto, and the two of them vanished out of sight. I know I said this many times before, but I can't believe this. Betrayed, ditched, and abandoned in one day. In front of me, Nanu walks up to me. As if he cared, he picked me up, and slugged me over his shoulder, carrying me to his Basilicom.

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