Return of the Innuendos

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Descending the stairs, my footsteps tapped loudly against the metal steps. Everyone else following behind. Once the steps were finished, we entered a long hallway. The smell had vanished, as if nothing happened here for years. "What happened here? It's like a maximum security prison." Alice said. "Yeah. Why is it so quiet here?" I wonder. "A-Ah!" Mecha screamed, and tripped on her foot. I move back, and catch her hand, helping her back up and holding her close. "Don't fall now. We don't want any attention." I say, and held her close to me to make sure she doesn't trip again. Soon, a light came into view. The party approached, and found a male chained to the wall, hand above his head. He had absolutely no clothes on. "Ack! What are you doing here?!" The male asked. " we know you?" I asked. "What do you-oh never saw me like this." He said. "Well, then let me jog your memory. It's Grim." He said. "Grim?! Why are you here?!" I question. "I was abducted. Left here without any way of mas-" "Okay, we get it! Say no more." I stopped him. Any further and we may have gotten a mature rating. "Anyway, if you're here, then who's in your clothes?" I asked. "Some guy who calls himself Veto. He said he needs to reawaken his 'master' but he never said who that was." He said. "A master? Like you and Luna?" I asked. "Close. Luna didn't need reawakening." He said. "Why are you locked here, instead of helping the current enemy?" I asked. "Veto said I would only get in the way. Talk about a stick up the butt." He said. "Gross." I thought. "Well, if that's the case, then you should know what happened here, right?" I asked. "What? What did happen? I've been in here for months with the occasional lady friend coming in with food." He said. "Months? I've never been here for months." I say. "Why? Is something happening?" Grim asked. "Kinda. A CPU-Nina- said I destroyed her dimension, which is this one. But I've never been here for in my life." I said. "Hey kid. Emi, right?" I talk to her. "What?" She replied. "When was this place attacked?" I asked. "Only a few months ago." She said. "Exact month." I clarify. "In January." She stated. "I was still in Mega Dimension during that time. Your sister's been tricked." I tell her. "What? But we have photo evidence!" She said, and held it to my face. I take a closer look at it, and noticed black outlining around Dark Heart. He doesn't have that kind of effect. "This was copy and pasted. You can tell." I said, and gave the picture back. "What? Then you've been framed?" Mecha asked. "Yeah. To put it simply." I say. "Hey. If you let me out, I could help!" Grim pleaded. I turn to face him. "I have enough crazy people in my life, thank you. From two sadists, a loli, a woman with a loli's mind, two tsunderes, two otakus, and some gender confused robot. I think I've had enough." I say. "But of course you can help..." I said sarcastically. "Really?!" Grim asked. "No." I say, and turn to leave. "Please! Please! I beg you! Let me out!" He started begging, and trying to break himself free from the chains that bound him. "We can't leave him here. He may have some useful information." Alice said. "*sigh* Let him out." I told her, and she broke open the cell bars and chains. "I-I'm free!" He celebrated, and started jumping up and down. I grab my Infinity Crystal, and held it up. "Memoire. We're ready to leave." I say, but get no response. Just static across the crystal surface. "Memoire. Memoire, pick up." I demand, but still no response. I groan. "Something's blocking the signal to go through." I said. Grim raised his hand. "Oh! Oh! I know! Veto set up four communication jamming towers around and that's what blocking your signal." Grim said. "I guess it was a good thing we got you out." I groaned. "Okay. Where are these jamming towers?" I asked. "Well, as for the exact location, I'm not entirely sure." He said. "Forget what I said." I groan again, and walk out of the place. I transform into Thunder Heart and fly up, looking for these jamming towers, but couldn't see anything. "See anything?" Alice asked as I landed back to the ground. "No. You try, since you have better vision than I do." I tell her, and she nods, becoming Joker Heart. She flys down, and lands. "I saw three, but I couldn't find that last one." She said. "Then that one must be farther than the others. Let's move to the closest from here, and move from there. Lead the way, Alice." I say. "Of course, brother." She said with a salute, and started flying ahead, with everyone else following her lead.

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