Third Tower Boss: False Kurome

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The tower soon darkened, with the only light source being the jamming crystal. I walk up to it, and heard Kurome's voice behind me. "Stop there." She said, causing me to turn around. She was the spitting image of her. "Kurome? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Do I know you?" I asked back. "What? Miss me already?" Kurome said in my mind. "Wait, if you're in my head, then who's this?" I asked, and pointed at her. "Not me, that's for sure. I'm much more attractive." She complimented herself. I groan. "In any case, I should deal with this poser." I said. Due to all her Negative Energy, I was forced to transform into Dark Heart. "Ahh... Good to be back." I said and crack my neck. In my head, still, Kurome spoke. "Kill that poser, Brosy." She said, and vanished. "With the greatest of pleasures." I said with an evil smile. I lunge forward and slam my scythe down onto her bare hands. "Well. This may be more fun than I thought." She said, and tossed me away. I catch my balance and fly at her again, but she pulled a sword out of nowhere and blocked it. "I wish I could pull weapons out of my ass." I groan, and continue my attack. I didn't let up for the slightest second, always on the offensive. That's the way Dark Heart likes to fight. However, it does get exhausting for a while, so I stopped, which gave Kurome an opening. Due to being utterly exhausted, I couldn't do anything but take the attack. Or at least, that's what I thought, as the attack was stopped. "So this is Dark Heart? I was expecting more." I heard Alice's voice behind me, making me turn. "I thought you were with Emi and the others?" I asked her as she landed next to me. "I was. Get the difference?" She asked sarcastically. "That's not funny. Well, since you're here, help a brother out." I said, and brought my scythe up to my shoulder. "Sure, why not. I was itching for some screen time anyway." She said, and did the same action I did. Together, we fly forward, and slam our scythes into Kurome, causing her to jump back, and Alice had that covered. Appearing from nowhere, she tosses one of her chakrams at her, hitting her square in the face. This made her lose balance, and I jump in front of her, cutting her with my scythe. She flew backwards, but landed on her feet nonetheless. "This isn't too hard." Alice commented. "Now... I'm mad." Kurome said, and began to transform herself. Moving in front of the jamming crystal, she was Dark Orange. "What? Even if she's a fake, she can still access HDD? Talk about cheat." I said. "HAHAHAHA! NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!" She boasted. "Ugh... even her attitude's the same. Talk about annoying." I groan again. "Let's get this over with." Alice also groaned, and flew up, slashing Kurome with her scythe. Hardly any damage. "You can't deal damage to her like that. You gotta use Shares. Without Uzume, we may be here for awhile." I tell her. "That would have come in handy a long time ago!" She shouted at me. "Well I'm sorry! You didn't ask before!" I shout back. "Why are we yelling?!" Alice asked. "I don't know!" I yelled. "Let's just stop shouting!" She said. "Okay!" I agree, and we calm down. "Okay. Give me a sec." I say, and change to Holy Heart, blocking off her Negative Energy. "Okay~! Ready!" I say. I make a Share Field like Uzume, but it didn't change the location. Just a sphere filled with Shares. Alice tried to attack now, and noticed a significant change in her damage output. "Wow! I feel so powerful!!" She laughed. "Haha. Yes. So do I." I laugh, and fire off some Share shots, piercing her body in multiple places, dealing more damage than Alice. "Why don't you just Lock her? This could've been a lot easier." I say. "Meh. I haven't had a good fight like this in awhile, so this is good exercise." She said to me. "Haha. Fair enough." I say, and slash at Kurome with my blade of light. "Brother Sister combo?" I asked Alice, and she nodded. I infuse some more Share energy into her scythe, making the blade glow. Then, she flew up and slashed at Kurome, dealing a large chunk of damage. "Save some for me!" I say, and shoot more Share shards into her. Forming a blade on my staff, I swing and cut her multiple times. "I'm comin' from above!" Alice shouted, and ran her blade down her large body. Making a field of light around Kurome, Alice jumped back and tossed some Lock Rings into the air. "Hah!" I shout, and a pillar of light shoots up, engulfing Kurome. The Lock Rings absorbed the light, it soon vanished. Like that, the rings expand and fire the light back down, doubled in size. Big explosion, and Kurome defeat, I let Alice destroy the jamming crystal, since her thirst for destruction hasn't been satisfied yet.

We walk out of the tower and see that it was still dark. "Let's sleep now. That...*yawn*...exhausted me." I yawned, and just passed out there, with Alice falling on top of me.

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