Fourth Tower Boss: Veto's Ace

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The next morning, we make our way to the fourth and final tower, which wasn't too far away from our current location. As we fly through air, a few energy blasts fire at us. Dodging the shot, we land down and look for the attacker. "Who did that?" Emi asked. "I don't know. But I think we're just about to find out." I said as the ground began to shake. The ground opened up below us, and we fly back up to the sky. As it opened, a large robot teared through the ground. It had one big eye and an opening and closing jaw. It had a red and black color to it, other than that, it was just big. "Jesus...this must be like an early boss." I say. "Heheheh. Yes. I've heard you've been causing trouble here. So I came myself to stop it." Said Veto on the back of the robot. "Meet my little friend. Ace. Veto's Ace." He introduced. "Little is an understatement." I said. "Haha. Yes, I suppose you are right." He laughed. "Well, I guess I'll be leaving. Take care of these little pests." Veto said, and vanished. This thing was gonna cause a long battle.

The robot slammed its arm down, trying to kill us in one go. Luckily, since he's so big, he missed. I change to Thunder Heart, and slam my rapier down on him, but dealt no damage. "What the hell is this thing made of?!" I shout. "Metal! Obviously!" Alice shouts back. "Lock it, so we can get this over with!" I called to her. "I can only Lock biological organisms!" She yelled. "That is so useless!" I complain, and change to Flame Heart. I burn at the arm in the ground, melting it away. "Fire seems to be its biggest weakness." I say to myself, but get smacked with the other hand. Into the tree, I groan from the metal hand. "Oww... Geez, that hurt!" I whine, but get slapped again into another tree. "Now you've done...!" I said, a slash the incoming attack with my blazing sword. The second arm melted away, and now had no ways of dealing damage to us. Finishing the job, it was reduced to scrap metal when we were done with it. "Heh. That was Veto's Ace? Talk about lame." I laugh at it. "Yeah. For the fourth tower guardian, you'd think it would be more overpowered." Mecha agreed. "But that's fine. The faster we destroy the last jamming crystal, the faster we can't get to big sis Nina." Emi said. I nodded, and we continued to the tower.

Entering and destroying the crystal inside, we exit immediately and contact Memoire. "Memoire. Are you there?" I asked her. "Yes, I am. I should tell you that Alice and Mecha followed you there." She said. "I know. But, it was a good thing they did. If not, I'd probably be dead." I say to her. "Anyway, we're done here. I can now confirm that we've been framed." I told her. "I see. I am starting up the gate now. What are your current coordinates?" She asked. I gave her our location, and the gate opened in front of us. "Emi, are you coming with us?" I asked. She nodded. "I see. Okay then. Together." I say, and we all step back through the open gate.

Fast chapter because I feel lazy. Sorry guys. I'll make the next one more interesting. I promise.

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