Second Tower Boss: Illusions

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Once the next day came, we immediately made our way to the next tower. We make our way through the halls with me and Mecha in the back of the party. "Hey. So...I saw you outside last night...and..." Mecha spoke up. "Yeah. I had trouble sleeping. You didn't hear me talking about...stuff...did you?" I asked her. "W-Well. Not all of it. Just the part where you said, I might not be happy. But, I just...-" "So I was right then?" I cut her off before she could finish. "No, that's not it." She corrected. "Really? You can be honest." I said. "I am being honest. Really. But, I just want you to know that I am happy. To be with you." She said. "You are? Really?" I asked. "Yes. Really. I just wanted to clear that up. Um...see you later!" She blushed madly, and ran ahead of me. "What was that about...?" I wonder, and walk faster.

We arrive in the boss room, and we see nothing too noteworthy. That was until enemies emerged from the ground. They looked almost dead. "Okay. Let's make this quick." I said, and draw my sword. Cutting down all the enemies, more just rose up  to take their places. I try again and again, but get the same result. "Why aren't these things dying?!" I complain. I hear a scream behind me, and know immediately that it was Alice. "Ugh...! Get off me!" She shouted, and cut it's head off. "Alice!" I shout, but from behind, one of them got me. I change to Flame Heart and incinerate it, flying over to Alice, and killing the zombie slime thing that was holding her. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, Thank you." She said while cleaning off her right shoulder. "Don't scare me like that." I said, and place my hand on her head. "Okay. How do we deal with this?" I wonder. "I saw something up on the ceiling." She said, pointing up. I look up where she was pointing, and see a small orb. "Thanks." I say, and fly up. Once in range, I shoot some fire at it, but it seemed immune to the elements. I change to Holy Heart, and create a blade of light. I swing, and it shatters into pieces. The zombie like creatures goop into small puddles, and I fly down. "That was too easy." I state. "The easier the better. I can't stay in HDD for too long." Emi said. "I can tell. Well, let's destroy that crystal and get out of here." I said, and expand the light on the tip of my staff, making the blade larger. Since Holy Heart was so weak, I had to stumble about. Emi helped me with that, and I slammed it down on the crystal. "Phew. Thank you Emi." I said, and change back. "Why are you helping us?" I asked in normal form. "Well, I...I don't know. When I'm with feels like I'm with big sis Nina." She said. "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult." I said. "It's a compliment, idiot." Alice face palmed. "Oh. Okay. I don't know how you feel like that, but thank you." I smiled at her. Her face went red, and she looked away. "Let's just go." She said, and walked ahead of us. We all went up to her and made our way to the third tower.

When we got there, however, it was already late, and Emi was about to pass out. "We can't just wait here and do nothing. I think I should go in and deal with this one alone. It'll be faster and we can move on to the next one tomorrow." I said. "That would be suicide. You can't deal with it alone." Mecha said. "I'll live. Just stay here with Emi." I say, and enter the tower. The place was darker than the last two, so it was difficult to navigate. Voices could be heard in multiple places around. "Geez. This place is creepy. I probably should've listened to them and hit the hay." I said to myself. "Careful, Brosy. I feel some pretty powerful Delusion in here." I heard Kurome. "Powerful enough to wake Dark Heart?" I asked. "Personally, I think so." She said. "Perfect." I said. "What's the big deal? I'm tame now, you can use him if you want." She told me. "I know that. But I feel like I'm going to be deceived again." I told her. "But you can't deny that he's your most powerful HDD form. So if the time comes, don't hesitate." She told me. "Like what?" I asked her. "Who knows. Mecha-chi may be in danger, and Thunder Heart can't do anything. There are tons of possibilities. Remember what I said to you." She said. "Yeah yeah. Don't make Mecha cry, or you'll destroy my dimension. I heard you the first time." I groan. "That might happen. So...I guess I could try for a compromise." I say. "Good. Well, it seems we're approaching the bosses room and I don't want to distract you. See you around, Brosy." Kurome said, then left my mind. "Why is she always such pest...?" I wonder, and press on.

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