Assault on Lastation

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This is happening during Nanu's time in Super Dimension.

Kyoki's perspective

Uncle Nanu went to Super Dimension, and big sis Uni is very worried. She asked Mecha and Alice to go with him, and they did, but I still feel uneasy. And to be honest, I hate it. This feeling of insecurity is sooooooooo frustrating. And since Luna was dead, I had no way to vent out my anger. Shikowa walked into my room. "Kyoki? Why are the lights off?" She asked. "Leave me alone. I need to calm down right now." I tell her, but she just turns the lights on. "If you want, you can vent out on me." She smiled. "Really?" I asked. She nodded, and lay on my bed. "Do your worst. I can take it." She assured me, and I agree, transforming instantly. "Okay~ Here it comes." I growl, and grip my whip.

Three hours later

Ahhh... Finally, I feel refreshed. Shikowa was laying on my bed still, almost like she was dead. Luckily, she wasn't, as she sat up very soon. "Wow. I could feel your anger." She said. "This is the first time someone volunteered to be my vent. Thank you." I said. Shikowa smiled at me. "Of course. You're my brother. We need to help each other, even if it means volunteering to do some-uh-questionable things." She said, and hugged me. "Thanks." I smile, and hug her back.

A few hours later, Azura and Viola came by. "Where's Shiro and Saikoa?" I asked them. "And Syria?" Shikowa asked after me. "They said they had work to do. Ha! Talk about workaholics." Viola mocked them. "Actually, it's good that they stayed behind to do work." Azura said. "What? Why?" Viola asked. "It means she's beating you in the work department, idiot." I tell her. "Gah! What!? Is that why Big Nep told me to do that work before I left?!" She asked. "I would assume so." Shikowa said. "Eh. Whatevs! Let's play!" Viola cheered and we all got to playing some of my games. I won every round, of course. But whenever we play together, it always feels like they let me win. I don't know why. By now, we were all tired from playing, and took a break. Viola just kept on talking about how her nation is getting lots of Shares, and some other obvious tall tales. But, we pretended to be amazed nonetheless. As we were talking, a large explosion was made inside the city. "What?! What's happening?!" Azura screamed. "I-I don't-don't know!" I stutter. I look over to the west and see someone wreaking havoc around town. I run over to the person, and saw that it was a CPU. But it wasn't that Silver Heart Azura talked about. It was a male, with red armor and a curved wing outline, with the actual wings having a red tint. He had a helmet on his head, and a scimitar sword that went ablaze with each and every swing. He spotted me standing there, and came down. "What is it, little boy?" He asked in a deep voice. "I-I'm not l-li-little! I-I'm a CPU!" I couldn't stop stuttering due to my rising fear. He looked at me for a bit, then laugh. "Haha! You?! A CPU?! That's funny." He said, and destroyed another building on his left. My favorite crepe shop. Then, to his right, he destroyed another building. My favorite comic store. Next, me and Azura's favorite cafe. We'd sit down with each other, and talk about how our siblings got along, and how we'd be just like them. Seeing him destroy our favorite places...really pissed me off!! "STOP ITTTTT!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, and transformed right there. I grip my sword tightly, and slash at him, sending him into a wall. He spit out some chunks of stone that got in his mouth, and grinned. "That's more like it!" He shouted, and slammed his sword against mine. Making some distance, my sword detaches itself into a whip and slaps him across the face, and then bring it back for another slap. I raise my arm and hit him up, then back down to the ground. With all this anger, I feel like I might have to kill him to satisfy it. "Heheheh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He laughed like a maniac, and stood up. "That's good kid. I'm impressed. Really, I am. Now, it's time for the curtain to fall over this pathetic excuse of a show." He said, and flew up to me. His movements had gotten faster, and much stronger. He was slamming me around like some kind of toy. It also pissed me off. With boiling anger, and attempted to make a counter attack, but he was soon in front of me, and about to slam his sword on me. But to the right, an energy blast hit him away, and in flew Shikowa and big sis Uni, with Azura and Viola too. "Kyoki!! Are you alright?!" She asked as she hugged me. "Uh-yeah! I'm fine." I look around to see if I can find the attacker, but couldn't. "The town has seen better days, though." I sigh, and land next to the ruined cafe. Azura lands next me, and places her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Kyo. We can rebuild it. Then, get revenge on that man." She said, and clenched her fists. I nod, and turn to big sis Uni. "I'm sorry for fight without you knowing. I just didn't want to interrupt you in the meeting with the other CPUs." I apologize, and take normal form. To my surprise, big sis Uni didn't scold me. She just patted my head, and smiled. "It's okay. Besides, you were great. Thank you for protecting the rest of city." She said, and pulled me into another hug. I hug back, obviously, and we all head back to the Basilicom.

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