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This is a sequel please read 'Esme and Carlisle's Daughter' before you read this one. Thank you.

Previously on Esme and Carlisle's Daughter:

Alice POV:

The vision was awful. I couldn't make out much, but I could just see what's happening. There was a field covered in snow, our family stood at one end of the field and Carlise with a massive group of people at the other. (Like BD2) Carlise looked different...evil...he laughed and charged.

I snapped out of it and gasped. The whole family was around me in seconds, but I couldn't hear them. I've gone into shock, and it's very rare that vampires go into shock.

"Alice? Darlin'?"

"Alice! What's happening?


"Her thoughts are blank?"

"This isn't funny Alice!"

Then it went black...


Bella Pov:

Alice fell to the floor with a 'thump' and we all gathered around her. Jasper leant over her body and tried to shake her awake but to no avail. I tried using one of my powers to get into her mind to try and persuade her to wake up but it was like something was blocking me. Sighing, I lowered my hand.

"I can't get into her mind" I state

"What's she hiding from us?" Gasped Esme

"I don't think she's hiding anything, I think her body has gone into shock which is why none of our powers is working," Edward says. "Major I need you to take Alice to your bedroom to rest whilst we figure out what's happening?"

Major? What on earth was Edward talking about? I looked at him with a confused expression to which he just nodded towards Jasper. It was then I realised that he had changed, and not because of the snarls that sounded like an angry man who's favourite football team lost a game, it was because his whole personality changed and it made me want to bow down to him. I shake my head at the thought, I do not bow down to anyone. No way. 

Jasp- I mean Major nodded and left the room with Alice in his arms in a blink of an eye. Esme sighed and ran her hand over her face before falling onto the couch from behind and letting out a huge sigh. I mentally chuckle, she's acting like a teenage girl who's just found out her favourite band was playing close by and was acting depressed because her parents wouldn't buy her tickets. 

We've all been there.

"What are we going to do? First Carlisle then this" Esme sighs again. "Our family is already complicated we don't need this adding on to it"

"If you think this is complicated you should watch 'Once Upon A Time'" I shake my head. "Now that's a complicated family situation. The family tree is enough to make my mind explode"

Edward gave me a look as if to say now is not that time but I just shrugged. I was just trying to lighten the mood. I walked towards Esme who was still lying on the sofa like a depressed attention-seeking teen, lifted her legs up, sat down and placed her legs on my lap. She didn't seem to notice me sitting next to her or moving her legs, she seemed to be in her own world. I mean, who could blame her? Her family is literally falling apart. 

Before any of us could react, a scream was heard from upstairs and not even a second later a scared Alice was stood in front of us explaining what she saw. The room fell silent as we absorbed this. So, Carlisle was now out to get us and he wasn't doing it alone. I wonder what made him turn all evil..surely it can't be because of me. He has to be under some spell. But what spell? Is magic even a thing? Stupid question really considering half of us have powers. 

"Did I hear you make a 'Once Upon A Time' reference Bella?" Alice asks looking at me. Of course, she would point that out at a time like this.

"Maybe..." I mumble. 

Edward threw up his hands. "This is not the time to talk about a TV show!"

"First of, Once Upon A Time is not just a TV show, it is life" Alice pointed out. "And secondly, Bella just gave us our answer to defeating Carlisle"

"I did?" I asked confused. Wait, what did I say?

Alice nodded. "In order to defeat him someone has to go dark"

"Dark?" Esme speaks up for the first time since Alice came down. She lives!

"Like darkness consuming you right?" Alice nodded again at my question. "Like the Dark One?"

"Exactly that!" Alice squealed. "Except I don't think there's any Dark Ones. I mean they're all fake"

"That's what they say about us"

"Good point" Alice literally flops down onto the floor and sits with her legs crossed. "But if we find something close to that, something that has that amount of power then maybe, just maybe we can stop him"

I wave my hand so some books appear. "Then let's start looking"


That's the introduction! First chapter coming soon!

I know I included Once Upon A Time in it but I had to make this story work. I hope you don't have a problem with it. I'm just combining my two favourite things: Twilight and Once Upon A Time.

See you soon!

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