Chapter One

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Here's the first chapter! Finally! 

For some reason, I am really nervous to write this book. Probably because I know a lot of you have been waiting for it and I feel bad for not giving it you sooner. I apologise for that. Anyway, time to see wherever this chapter will take me. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me if you like. 

(I own nothing but the title, plot line and the characters made up. Please do not steal or copy this book. I've had to happen to me before.)

Enjoy lovelies! <3 


Edward POV

Books were surrounding us and I'm pretty sure Bella is somewhere underneath the pile. Clara and Jake soon joined us but Jake quickly got bored and started teasing Emmett which ended up with them outside wrestling. Alice was reading so fast it looked as though she was just opening the book and then closing it. Me, I was losing hope so I just scanned. We've been searching for a while now and we still haven't found anything. 

"This is hopeless" I sigh throwing the book I was holding onto the floor. "We've been searching for hours now and we haven't found anything to do with the darkness"

"Never say never" Spoke up Alice grabbing another book. 

"NEVER SAY NEVERRR" Clare sang but stopped when everyone looked at her. "What? Too soon?"

Laughter came from outside as Jake muttered 'that's my girl' before wincing in pain as Emmett tackled him. Clare smirked before continuing reading the book she was reading. Esme walked into the room with a new set of books in her hand, I never realised that she left. 

"We have to keep trying. This isn't the man I fell in love with, he's changed and if the darkness can help, then we will find it" Esme told us all as she flopped onto the couch. 

"Big problem" Emmett walked in with mud all over his clothes soon followed by Jake, Esme sighed and told them off for bringing mud into her home and ruining her carpets. "You said the darkness had to consume someone right? Well, who's that going to be?"

A hand came from the massive pile of books from the floor and waved. "Me" Spoke Bella. Ah, there she is. She sat up and the books that were on her fell off. "I will consume the darkness"

Both Emmett and Jake jumped in surprise and I glared at her. There's no way I'm letting her consume the darkness, she's been through too much already. Bella ignored the looks she was getting, she was biting her lip and reading through a book. Just as I was about to voice my opinions, Ivania popped in with a bored looking Zac. 

"Did I just hear you correctly Bella? There's no way you're going to take on the darkness. Over my dead body" Ivania grabbed a book out of Zac's arms.

Bella looked at her. "This is my fault that all this is happening. Not yours. So if someone should take on the darkness it's me"

"You've been through so much already love. Let someone else take on the darkness, we're all in this together after all" I say, my voice holding authority. 

Suddenly, We're All In This Together by High School Musical started playing and we all turned to see Jake and Emmett jamming out acting like total idiots. I held back my laughter and Jake looked up and quickly stopped the music. "You guys saw that one coming"

"Anyway" Clara rolled her eyes at her mate. "Edward's right. Someone else should do it"

"And who's going to brave enough to do that hm?" Bella questioned. "Because I don't see anyone offering"

She had us there, but I stand by what I said. She will not take on the darkness. "I will"

Bella looked at me with surprise. "You?"

I nodded. "Me"

Alice looked up and for the first time since this conversation started, spoke up. "I found something. It says here that the darkness is a powerful force that can take the good out of you and replace it with the bad. In order for the darkness to be summoned someone with the darkest history must light a special candle. The darkness will then enter the body who it seems fit." She looked around. "It could be any of us"

"It also says that if you have a close connection with someone you want revenge on, it will enter that person's body." Bella continued to read. "So that's me"

"So no matter what we do or who summons it, it will enter Bella?" Clarified Clara. 

Alice nodded.  "It appears so."

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