Chapter Seven

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Hello my lovelies, how are you?

I'm in an updating mood so expect a few updates today. The next few chapters will be them all training for the big battle. We will hopefully see exactly what Carlisle is up to and see how powerful the darkness truly is. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.


Esme POV:

I was in the garden planting flowers for Angela when Bella appeared next to me. I could tell it was the normal Bella because she didn't have the dark look on her face but she still wore all the leather. Seeing the leather made me feel uncomfortable, it didn't suit her and it didn't look right but there's nothing we can do. 

Bella sat next to me and took a shovel and started digging a hole for the flowers. "Lily's. Nice choice"

"Yeah well, I didn't really know her well enough to know what flowers she liked. So I thought Lily's, you can't go wrong with them"

"I'm sorry mum" She looked at me. "This is all my fault. If I never moved here-"

"Then I would have never seen you again" I cut her off. "There's nothing to be sorry for. I felt the darkness growing inside Carlisle for a while now. You just-"

Bella cut me off. "Set it off?"

I nodded. "Yeah but don't worry we will win and we will get him back."

"But how many more lives will be taken?" She asked and I never answered her. "But even if we do win, I will never forgive him. He's not my dad anymore"

"You don't mean that. He's your father"

"No, he's not" She stood up. "Darkie wants to train. I'll see you soon"

Before I could stop her, she vanished again and I was left on my own. Sighing, I threw the shovel across the garden and ran my fingers through my hair. My family is falling apart at my fingertips and there's nothing I can do about it. 

Dark Bella POV:

"You coming to train or what?" I appear in the living room in my training gear (Pic attached) my hair was tied up in a high ponytail and I had a water bottle filled with blood in my hands. 

Edward eyed me over and I had to hold back the gag. I may be in his mate's body but I am not her. "Train?"

"Yeah. You know the impending battle? You weren't just expecting me to do it all were you?" I looked at them all. "You were"

"We thought you would be able to handle it" Alice told me.

"I can but there's more than one person going to be there so you all need to be prepared. You can't expect me to deal with all of them at once. I'm powerful but not that powerful."

They all nodded in understanding before disappearing into their rooms to get changed. I walked into the garden and past Esme who gave me a glare from her position on the floor. I simply smiled and waved before heading to an open space in the garden and started doing my stretches. The others joined me and stood around me making me the leader. 

"I need to know exactly how strong your physical strength is. Those who don't have gifts rely on their strength and although that can be your strong point, it can also be your weak point"I told them. "Since I have both power and strength I use both as equal and I always come out on top. And that's what I'm hoping to do to you"

I waved my hand and put a protective shield around them. I didn't want to do that, honestly, I couldn't care less what is going to happen to them, but I never back down out of a deal. To give them an example of my power I held my hands out and dragged about 50 newborn vampires from all around the world and set all but one ablaze with my fireball. The one I left snarled at me in anger and started to charge at me and I met him halfway and flipped over him ripping his head off and setting him on fire. Turning, I saw everyone looking at me in shock. 

"See? Strength and power can be your strong point" I told them. I waved my hands again and more newborn vampires appeared. "Emmett you're up."

Let the fun begin. 

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