Chapter Two

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Sorry for the little wait, I've been having problems. I've just been told that the course I've been studying for the past two years I've failed and can't move onto the next level which I need to get my dream job. I passed every subject but ONE and they won't let me's not even a subject I need either. So now that throws all my dreams out of the window and I need to think of a backup plan. But, no matter how I'm feeling I promised I would try and update more so here I am. 

On another note, I'm thinking about writing another Twilight Story. I went off writing them but now I'm back into it. I know I'm not going to be a Twilight fan forever, but it's still nice to relive those special moments. If I do another book, it will be crossed with the Vampire Diaries. Would you read it? 

So glad you are all enjoying it so are enjoying it right? 

xx Chloe xx


Narrator POV:

Bella felt both relieved and angry about the situation. Sure, she agreed to take on the darkness herself but that's only because she didn't want her family taking on the burden and deal with the pain and problems the darkness will cause. But she felt angry that it had to be her, hasn't she been through enough? When will she finally be happy? Is it when she finally defeats Carlisle? 

By defeat, does that mean help him see reason and come home with them? Or, kill him? I guess they won't know until the final battle. 

But it's always going to be on everyone's mind. 

"See? I'm just a sucker for darkness" Bella smirked and went back to lying on the floor. Though she was smirking, her dead heart was breaking. 


"Don't even think about it!" Ivania hissed cutting Zac off. Zac huffed and sat further into his chair

Esme rolled her eyes and asked Alice what type of candle they needed. The answer wasn't in the book Alice was reading so she was back looking through the books whilst the room fell into an eerie silence as they waited. No one could believe that this was going to happen, but they were out of options. Edward glanced at his mate who was still lying on the floor staring into space and frowned. He didn't want this to happen, she's been through a lot already. There were many fears with Bella taking on the darkness, they might not be able to get it out of her when they've finished. It might not even work. Or, it could work and the darkness could make her more powerful but maybe Carlisle can beat it. Thoughts ran wild in his mind and he jumped when Alice yelled out...her favourite thing to do at the moment. 

"FOUND IT!" She yelled passing the book onto Esme. 

"You did?" 

Alice nodded. "Did you ever doubt I would?"

The room once again fell silent and Alice huffed causing Bella to chuckle before her eyes glanced over to Esme. Esme scanned the book with furrowed eyebrows before realisation flashed across her face before worry took its place. 

"I've seen this candle before" She states. "In fact, we have it here"

Jasper raised his eyebrow. "You do"

"Carlisle was really into dark magic at one point. He collected many things to do with and it, and this candle is one of the things he collected" She told them. "I never used it. Never touched any of that stuff it gave me the creeps"

"I hate to break it to you mum but you need to go get the candle because we need it" Bella rolled her eyes. "The sooner we get this over with the sooner Carlisle is defeated"

Nodding, Esme gave Alice the book back before running upstairs into one of the rooms and they could hear movement coming from it. Meanwhile, Bella got off the floor and with the help of Clara and Ivania she made room for the ritual to begin. All the books that they used apart for the one they needed vanished, a table placed in the middle of the room with a black cloth placed over it. They all glanced at one another as Esme walked into the room carrying a box. 

"Are you sure?" She asks. 

Bella nodded. "Postive. You need your husband and we need our father back."

Esme smiled before placing the box on the table and opened it. Everyone crammed around the table and took a look and Edward reached it and pulled out the candle. It was a brown colour with either black wax or paint dripping down the sides. It had witches star tied with a ribbon around it (pic attached) all in all, it didn't look that bad. 

"That's it?" Emmett asked with a raised eyebrow. "It doesn't look that bad"

"Looks can be deceiving Emmett...this is dark stuff" Clara never took her eyes off the candle. 

"Let's get started," Alice told them. 

Bella waved her hands and all the lights in the room dimmed as Esme lit the candle. They all gathered around the table and held hands, to summon the darkness they had to think of the darkest point in their lives. They all shared a look before closing their eyes to think of their worst moments. 

They must have been doing it right because the ground around started shaking, lights flickering and they were a strong breeze that blew open all the windows. This went on for a few minutes before a growling noise was heard, alarmed Bella opened her eyes to see a dark mist forming from the candle and gulped. That was soon to consume her and it didn't look fun. Everyone had their eyes open now and watched as the darkness freed itself from the candle like someone trying to get through steel bars. 

Finally, the darkness was out and it was just floating above the candle like it was deciding who to chose. Edward glanced at Bella who was staring at the Darkness with determination in her eyes. "You sure you want to do this love?"

"I have no other choice!" She yelled over the wind. "It has to be me. I have to fix what I started"

Just as she said that the darkness started zooming towards her before forcing itself into her body through her mouth. Bella stumbled back away from the table as her body shook violently. Everyone stood around and watched hopelessly as they watched someone they love turn dark. It was truly a horrible sight. 

"I love you" Bella gasped out through the waves of pain she was feeling. 

Her head fell back and her arms spread wide as the darkness took the final control. She stayed like that for a few minutes before her arms fell limp at her side and her head went back to its normal position. She opened her eyes and they were pitch black like the night. 

Bella grins

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Bella grins. "Well, that was fun. What now?"


So Bella has gone dark. How will that turn out? What's your opinions on it? Comment below your thoughts.

 Also the picture with the black eyes is how I imagined Bella's eyes being. She does not look anything like the girl. It was the only picture I could find that suited my thoughts. 

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