Chapter Five

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She's very tired but she's back home. I'm so happy! So here's another update!

Also as promised on chapter three, the people who get my references right would get a shout-out. Only one person got it right and that was:

@vskigirl go check out that profile! (Sorry if I spelt your name wrong) 

Thanks to those who comments, I love reading them! I'm thinking about doing a follow spree so if I'm not already following you, let me know and I will! More shout-outs to come in the future! 

(If you have any books you would like me to check out let me know!)



Edward POV:

"What just happened?" Asked Emmett.

None of us answered him, well Kyle attempted to explain but we all knew it would be sarcastic so Gabriella glared at him and dragged him out of the room by his ear. I stared at the spot where Bella was a few moments ago trying to understand what happened. My mind couldn't wrap around the fact that my love is now dark. 

Who knows what she's going to do, well we know it's nothing good as she said herself that she's going to get blood on her hands. Innocent people are going to get hurt/killed and we can't stop her because we need her. Stupid deals...they ruin everything and always come with a price. I just hope that whatever she does, she doesn't get caught. I do not fancy watching my love get sent to jail for something she didn't cause. 

Alice snapped out of her trance and ran over to the book we were using. We all watched with the same expression on our faces: confusion. 

"It never said about there being two people!" She rushed out. "I just thought that it would make Bella do bad things, not have someone take over her body!"

"We all thought that. But like she said, why would she include it in the book" Clara sniffled snuggling into her mate's side. "I just hope we get her back. I don't want to lose my sister"

Everyone agreed and I stormed out of the house. I need to think. 

Dark Bella POV:

"No! Don't! You monst-" The young woman couldn't even finish her sentence before I drained her dry. I dropped her lifeless corpse on the floor with a thud and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. 

Good Bella sighed. "Are you going to kill every innocent you see?" She thought

"Yep. I've never been in a vampire's body so I'm going to use full advantage of it" I smirk and mentally shove her hard against the cage. "Now, be a good girl and shut up"

"Well that's enough feeding, I feel sloshy. When can I come out?" 

"When I say so. I still need to pay some old friend's a visit" Normal Bella huffed and I sighed. "Fine, you can come out for a while once I've dealt with the next person. Deal?"

She nodded and sat down in her cage playing with her nails. I stepped over the body and waved my hands arriving right outside of the place I needed to be. Normal Bella still hadn't looked up so I used that to my advantage and mentally knocked her out so she wouldn't see who I'm about to visit. She fell back into her cage with a thump and I smirked before walking into a heavily guarded room. The guards knew not to mess with me and greeted me before I walked in, once in the dimly lit room I stood in front of the safety line and waited for him to notice me. 

"Well Hello, Darkness" He greeted, his back to me. 

"Hello Lucifer" I smirked. "New vessel?"

He turned to face me. "I've been having...problems"

"I can see that. I'm guessing that's not the vessel you're meant to have"

"Oh hell no. This meat suit is weak."

"Then why are you in it?" I ask

"Because my true vessel is refusing me thanks to his brother getting in his head. It won't be a problem though for much longer. I have a plan" He states. 

"I hope you do. I haven't been stuck in a candle for the past 100 years for it all to go to nothing!"

"Yeah about that..." His eyes flare up in anger. "Did you deal with him?" I nod. "Good"

"He got what he deserved" I smirk folding my arms. 

"So the plans still on?" He asks and I nod. "They believed you?"

"Believed me like a young child believes in Santa" I chuckle

He walks to the end of the cage and places his hands on the bars. "Good. Then come closer, you're too far"

"I wish I could but I have to stick to the plan"

"Oh yes the plan" He rolls his eyes. "I hope that means getting me out of here"

"Of course," I smile. "Then we can finally be together"

He nods. "That we can"

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